專欄作者Scott Gilmore在多倫多的小麵包車攻擊事件後,發表了一篇評論,裡面有這樣一句話:
Amidst the chaos and horror, a Toronto police officer calmly faced down the driver. It's a moment we should remember.
At any point if the cop had fired and killed the suspect, the public, his peers, the press, even the driver himself, everyone would have understood. In fact, we likely would have called him a hero.
What held his finger? Bravery? Training? Compassion? Perhaps we will find out in the days ahead. But whatever it is, it deserves attention.
It is easy to take a life. A quick turn of the steering wheel and 10 people are gone. A small amount of pressure on the trigger, and the suspect is dead. We kill each other out of hate, or fear, or ignorance, or duty. Sadly, we understand this instinct well. This is the dark side of humanity. And rightly, we are mesmerized by the horror of it.
But there is light inside us too. We also possess the instinct to keep each other alive. This part of us can be more difficult to understand. But it deserves our devotion much more than the act of killing does. These moments of humanity are not uncommon, but they are precious. It would be good if we could remember that about Toronto, remember the cop who didn’t shoot.
但正如這篇文章說的,我們都有救人一命的本能,那才是人性最難得的部分,而這不應該輕易被一個殺人兇手改變。這時候就難免要引用Albus Dumbledore對Potter講得最後一句話來當結尾了: