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小巷洩漏故事線索的時刻 The Magic moment could tell many stories in a tiny alley of Taipei


小巷洩漏故事線索的時刻 The Magic moment could tell many stories in a tiny alley of Taipei

壞掉偉士牌被當花盆,神秘馬頭探頭探腦,阿嬤催阿公走快點,粉紅外套歐巴桑念念有詞地騎機車,白雨傘阿姨慢慢走過。An abandoned Vespa Motorcycle, a horse head deco ,an umbrella lady,a Scooter woman & an old couples shared a tiny alley.

所有故事引線,在這一幕。It’s a scene that started every story.

壞掉偉士牌想起主人與它一起環島的光輝日子,有點感傷。The abandoned Vespa Motorcycle sadly recalled glory days traveling around Taiwan with its owner.

神秘馬頭覺得自己該出現在電影《教父2》現場,而不是被掛在小巷裏淋雨。The house head thought that he should be replaced in the scene of movie “The Godfather II” instead of being hanged in the wet alley.

阿嬤催阿公說:「走卡緊勒,乖孫在厝裡等咱拿雞蛋糕回去。」The grandma pushed her husband to walk faster to bring home some sweets for their grandson.

粉紅外套歐巴桑在機車上嘮叨:「這種天氣真正無奈,是寒是燒攏無法度知,衫是要安怎穿?」The scooter woman was complaining the bizarre temperature in Taiwan.

白雨傘阿姨拖著腳步哼起江蕙的「愛不對人」。The umbrella lady was singing a classic Taiwanese song “Fall in love with a wrong man”.

(Photo Took by Kodak ColorPlus200 + Konica C35 Flashmatic)

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