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Graphyni 沐子
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Graphyni 沐子

“Some things, once you’ve loved them, become yours forever. And if you try to let them go, they only circle back and return to you. They become part of who you are. Or they destroy you.” - Allen Ginsberg

靜物 Still 系列



Still - The Nude | 錄像,2022,18’15’’

《 The Nude 》作為靜物系列的起點,近乎靜止的影像內容、若有似無的敘事,貓作為對照,提醒觀者時間的存有。以裸體、床褥、窗…等符號搭配私領域的空間結構,指涉主體的原始性及私密性,並透過景框及窗框的互相對照,表達其作為起點以及開創的意義。

"The Nude" is the beginning of the "Still" series. The character in the film is almost still. The cat acts as a contrast, reminding audiences the existence of time. To express the originality and privacy via the subject with symbols such as nudes, mattresses, windows...etc. The contrast between frame and window enhances its meaning of pioneering.

Still - The Ice | 錄像,2022,15’53’’

《 The Ice 》忠實地記錄冰塊於掌心融化的過程,感受冰所帶來的觸覺、經歷水的型態改變。冰塊的存有與消融作為固定條件,手心是時而退卻時而擁抱,通過手與冰塊的互動展演,其物理性的痛感與情緒型的肢體語言交織於畫面之中。

"The Ice" records the process of melting ice cubes in the palm. To feel the hurt from the ice. And express the pain through the body language.

Still - The Desire | 錄像,2022,15’12’’

《 The Desire 》創作時的本意為紀錄觀看色情片過程的細微表情變化,並透過外在條件將性慾勾勒出來。本創作記錄了被攝主體的情感堆疊,並在非預期的情況下記錄了於色情片播畢後釋放情緒的過程,進而延伸出新的創作意涵。

"The Desire" was to record the facial expression changes in the process of watching pornography. To record the lust of character.

Still - The Trace | 錄像,2022,15’07’’

《 The Trace 》藉由綁繩在身體上烙印下痕跡,以相較明確的外力改變被攝主體的身體變化。繩縛其物理性及心理性意涵同時注入於主體之上,搭配特寫鏡頭原始呈現身體的呼吸律動,將身與心的流動書寫於影像之上。

"The Trace" records the traces which lefts on the body by the ropes. External force affects the body of character. The breathing rhythm of the body is recorded by the close-up shot. The changes of the body and mind are displayed on the film.

《 當世界如是說 》錄像微型影展

本次影展《當世界如是說》選取靜物系列的其中四件錄像《 The Nude 》、《 The Desire 》、《 The Ice 》、《 The Trace 》,這四件錄像作品皆強調感知萬物帶給自我的刻痕,透過外在事物的引導、介入,勾勒身心的變形。同時以幾乎趨近於平面影像般的靜止狀態作為情節,挑戰著敘事的本質。而本次的微型展以Akaswap平台的俱樂部功能做為展演空間,本系列中每單一作品並未編號,但透過區塊的形式展演,有別於實體展演擁有著策展時所建立的固定時序,線上空間能夠提供觀影更多的隨機性及互動性,使作品和作品之間能夠產生對話,並於觀影中形成如同蒙太奇般的剪輯。


時間:2022.09.25 上鏈
地址:Graphyni's Darkroom ( 點擊進入頁面 )

*觀展無需門票,只要打開 akaSwap
*作品將上架於 Akaswap「 Graphyni's Darkroom 」藝術家後援會

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 授权