1. Playing to the Gallery
(英國藝術家Grayson Perry講Contemporary art world/小書一本/mean/好好笑/精裝版D圖印得極靚/翻睇咗兩次/藝術入門小書/幫助大家解開當代藝術疑團/如果大家都有讀呢本書個世界應該會easy好多)
2. Photography: The Whole Story
(厚厚地/成本bible咁/多圖易讀/可以簡單攞番Photography條timeline、人物、事件及詞彙先/研究攝影要知道呢百幾年Photography發生過咩事/The Whole Story系列仲有其他範疇例如電影時裝等等)
3. Photography:A Cultural History
4. The Story of Art
5. What Are You Looking At? : 150 Years of Modern Art in the Blink of an Eye
(BBC's arts editor Will Gompertz 講Modern Art/逐個Movements講/節奏明快/有內幕/娛樂性高/現代藝術入門之選/唔會悶)
6. Sapiens : A Brief History of Humankind
(Yuval Noah Harari寫人類大歷史/好有啟發性/做藝術其實一定要知道歷史既發展及人類的進程/要熟讀歷史/幫助思考)
7. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
((Yuval Noah Harari另一普作/近期最啱睇/社會已經變得太複雜/在亂世要多讀書)
8. A Bigger Message : Conversations with David Hockney
(David Hockney 跟 Martin Gayford既對談十分有趣/可以睇吓藝術家想什麼/內容其實極似平時同藝術家朋友交談會傾嘅嘢/本書就係印得好靚/Pantone青封面紫色硬皮翠綠書帶D畫都印得靚紙又揀得好靚排版又靚/賞心悅目)
9. Art Theory For Beginners
10. Tate Guide to Modern Art Terms, The:Updated & Expanded Edition : Updated & Expanded Edition
(藝術小字典/D terms日新月異真係多到行內人都未必知道晒既時候/一書旁身/閒時買黎急時用)
11. The Photograph as Contemporary Art
(重要/Charlotte Cotton整理攝影作為當代藝術的思路/介紹攝影在當代藝術的不同practice/新版增加咗兩個chapters/攝影師必讀)
12. Photography Changes Everything
(Photography Changes Everything/ Very true/幫忙思考/讀攝影要多讀書)
因為本來是Facebook Status,朋友想我介紹幾本書,所以寫得比較隨意。但以上都是我的精選,希望以上十二本書會幫到大家。