ETH TAIPEI Interview | Ethereum Founder Vitalik Buterin responds to Matters users

You can review the questions here we collected previously.
Question 1
As a nomad, what’s the quick dish you’ve been making yourself a lot lately? (question form Matters user @yzzaJ-chill )
Vitalik: Into a bowl and then like that's my breakfast.
Host: So it's sweet?
Vitalik: It's not sweet.
Host: It's not sweet? It's chocolate?
Vitalik: No, no, 90% chocolate.When I say chocolate, I always mean like dark chocolate. I don't mean like sugar with a little bit of chocolate.
Host: So it's bitter.
Vitalik: Exactly.
Host: Okay, interesting.
Question 2
When you travel and live around, what experimental community event inspired you the most? (question form Matters user @自由精靈|多比 )
Vitalik: I mean, obviously, you know, Zuzalu last year was probably, you know, the biggest thing in that category. And there is definitely, there were definitely a lot of interesting groups and events and activities inside of there that I found really fascinating.
And look, both in terms of actually using Ethereum and actually using zero knowledge proofs and those things, but also experimenting on the health side, experimenting on the community side.
In terms of the other big thing, which is different Ethereum events that I go to, I mean, I definitely respect ETH Denver for just being, you know, like interesting and cool.
I mean, I do know that it's gotten a lot bigger in the last couple of years, and I haven't been to the last couple of years. But the ones that I've been to were definitely fun. The one in Vietnam that I was just at was fun.
I think this was the first one where the entire venue was outdoors. And, you know, they made it really fun. And like they found a venue that's like this nice thing that's kind of, kind of similar to the West Lake in Hangzhou. Like that's the closest reference I have.
Host: It was last week, right?
Vitalik: Yeah, it was last week. And it was, you know, definitely by far the most COVID safe conference I've ever been to.That was cool. I definitely want to see more experimentation and like different event styles. And like, you know, like not just bouncing around between Hilton's and like various spin-offs that are actually owned by Hilton every other week.
Host: Okay, we'll try our best next year.
Question 3
Do you have any specific advice to, like, how non-English writers can participate in the public ecosystem? Because normally it's, like, only for English writers. (question from Matters user @swiftevo )
Vitalik: I mean, I think, I mean, first of all, you know, like, if you have some level of, you know, like, English language skills and, you know, creating more translations is something that's always valuable.
And just, like, creating localized, I mean, like, versions and expressions, presentations, articles about similar ideas, making an effort to actively participate in these protocols.
And because I think a lot of them actively are trying to welcome these, you know, more participants from around the world, you just need to show up and, you know, like, actually be a participant, a voter, a badge holder, you know, participate in, like, help, you know, like, aggregate information for other people.
Like, basically, yeah, I think, same advice as my advice to anyone, right?
Like, if you actively, you know, reach out, then I think a lot of people are happy to receive you and then sort of, like, pass it on and help make the content for more people.
We appreciate the opportunity to engage in a conversation with Vitalik Buterin and listen to his responses to questions from Matters users. We would also like to express our gratitude to the organizers, ETH Taipei, for their efforts in ensuring the successful completion of the event.