How to invest in the Metaverse is the current trending topic

casie jeanlouis

Metaverse is still in the stage of conceptual hype. It is not driven by fundamentals. It is more as long as you have similar themes, related hardware, software or game companies. They will all follow along with it. Many people hope to know how to invest in the Metaverse. The Metaverse is still in the conceptual stage, and it needs to go through the growth and maturity stages. I guess that in the next few years, Meta Universe will form a preliminary prototype. With the upgrading of technology, industry innovation, and the upgrading of business models, Meta Universe is likely to advance together with digital currency to achieve a global scale. application. The real meta-universe still has to face many difficulties, and it may take 10 or even 20 years to be realized.

VR, MR, AR, AI, simulation technology, virtualization technology, visual rendering technology, blockchain technology, etc. have achieved considerable development in recent years, and can be used as the infrastructure of Metaverse to provide sufficient infrastructure support for its development. Take VR and AI as examples. VR refers to virtual technology. It is a high-tech simulation system. Through multi-sensory simulation, it can help players get an immersive experience. VR is of great significance in Metaverse. Players can live without delay. The feeling of being on the scene is more interesting and more diverse than in the real world. AI refers to the use of medicine and robotics to make machines show human intelligence. It is expected that many human occupations will be replaced by artificial intelligence in the future. The content created in the Metaverse virtual world is often more interesting than in reality. This is also the attraction of Metaverse, and AI technology has made a great contribution to the creation of Metaverse.

The rise of new types of social media such as games, videos, live broadcasts and other streaming media, the mature development of e-commerce, as well as the deployment of distributed blockchain technology, distributed commerce, and various remote technologies have brought possibilities for the commercialization of Metaverse In terms of sex, there are fewer and fewer human economic activities that need to be carried out face-to-face. Most of the activities can be carried out on the Internet, and the "online society" is expected to land.

How to invest in the Metaverse is still in the stage of hype concept, attracting a lot of hot money and retail investors to follow the trend of hype. At present, the relevant hardware equipment is the focus of Metaverse. Bloomberg predicts that the market size of Meta Universe in the next 10 years may reach 10 trillion yuan, and the equipment end will occupy 40% of the entire industry chain. There are three main VR hardware: chips, optics, and displays. Of course, it also includes other opportunities. Related industries include GPU, 3D graphics engine, cloud computing and IDC. With the increase in equipment and the increase in servers, energy consumption will also benefit solar, wind and other clean energy companies.

On the whole, Metaverse is still in a very early stage, most of the virtual space is still relatively rough, with only the most basic functions. But I think Metaverse has a lot of room for development. From a market perspective of how to invest in the Metaverse. The demand for Internet users, the game market, or virtual goods is growing very rapidly, and Metaverse perfectly meets these types of needs. At the economic level, in this decentralized virtual space, there is an economic model that is similar to the real world and incorporates innovative elements of Web3.0, and will never shut down. In the future, Metaverse may have an economic scale several times the real world. , Economic benefits are the most fundamental reason for Metaverse to attract users and grow the network. At the social level, Metaverse can bring people an immersive and non-delayed social experience, which can transcend physical space. Players have a high sense of participation, and can get more shocking and shocking feelings than the real world, social satisfaction and meta-universe Fun will also attract more players. Therefore, although Metaverse is still in its infancy, it has huge potential for future development.

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