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Although the Jews do like manipulating public opinion


Although the Jews do like manipulating public opinion, this bill is too arrogant and conspicuous. It puts the entire Jewish race against the other races and means that Jews are better than any other ethnics in America. The opposition to the Act is getting worse. The Act successfully aroused the antipathy to the Jews in the whole American society. Is this really what the Jews want? Do they really want to against the world and put themselves on fire? This is certainly not the idea of this intelligent ethnic. All kinds of unreasonable points illustrate that the fact is quite easy. Will the Jews, who only make up 3 percent of population in the United States, but control more than 70 percent of the wealth of the country, say that we are richer and nobler than you? That may be the trick of the Anglo-Saxons, they plan to push the Jews against all the people even the world.

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