Existirá música
On “Prometheus: The Poem of Fire” of Alexander Scriabin
I am so very small, mientras
la cruz hirviente no me se pertenece.
Way too many conquests
Way too old poems.
Me lo dio el mundo como si fuera suya,
un juguete donde silencio más morado que furia
¿Qué demonions le debo
a tiempo?
He named “death” somebody else
So I took love as another fancy blasphemy
Penetrate me through this bone-like nude
Make sure nobody return.
I am yet to be heard
by myself
Father lives horror
Mother drinks dream
Me se burla mi costilla
Olas tras olas,
olas de caras
sin ojos
acaso tampoco orejas
desde dentro
hacia fuera
La soledad intacta
To my right,
emerging one sanguine ant eye
from this churning darkness.
To my left,
looming one emerald beam
over this constellation of fire.
I predate every genesic downpour,
because only my right index finger
and that sierra-begetting piano
are of the same God.
Now, everything begins,
God has half of his mouth bitten off,
so people take his laughter as roar
God, and
many fright me
But not Scriabin.
Un piano tocandose sí mismo
“¡ Ni pienses de besarlo!”
Un hijo olfateandose
su madre de ese piano.
Piano, madre, Scriabin.
Uno contra tres.