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【金句】Thomas Aquinas - The four typical substitutes for God are wealth, pleasure, power, and honor...



以下是Robert Barron的原文

One of the most fundamental problems in the spiritual order is that we sense within ourselves the hunger for God, but we attempt to satisfy it with some created good that is less than God. Thomas Aquinas said that the four typical substitutes for God are wealth, pleasure, power, and honor. Sensing the void within, we attempt to fill it up with some combination of these four things, but only by emptying out the self in love can we make the space for God to fill us. The classical tradition referred to this errant desire as "concupiscence," but I believe that we could neatly express the same idea with the more contemporary term "addiction." When we try to satisfy the hunger for God with something less than God, we will naturally be frustrated, and then in our frustration, we will convince ourselves that we need more of that finite good, so we will struggle to achieve it, only to find ourselves again, necessarily, dissatisfied. At this point, a sort of spiritual panic sets in, and we can find ourselves turning obsessively around this creaturely good that can never in principle make us happy.

在精神層面,最根本的問題之一是我們感受到內心對神的渴望,但我們卻試圖用一些比神更低層次的受造之物來滿足它。托馬斯·阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas)說,神的四個典型替代品是財富、愉悅、權力和榮譽。感受到內心的空虛,我們試圖用這四種東西的組合來填補,但只有從愛中抽空自我(self),才有空間以神填滿我們。古典傳統將這種錯誤的渴望稱為「貪欲」(concupiscence),但我認為我們可以用更現代的術語「成癮」來精確地表達同樣的概念。當我們用低於神的東西來滿足對神的渴望時,我們會自然地感到挫敗,而在挫敗感中,我們會說服自己需要更多那種有限的善,所以我們會努力去實現它,但最終發現自己仍然不滿意。在此時,一種精神上的恐慌會出現,我們會發現自己著迷於這種受造之物,但它從本質上講永遠無法讓我們幸福。


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