Coursera 獎助學金 申請
如果是學生或收入有限,我覺得很推薦使用 Coursera 獎學金來學習 (如果荷包君飽滿還是建議買課程,畢竟使用者付費XD)
簡單來說,Coursera 開放所有人都可以「旁聽」。但是如果你想要拿到證書,就必須繳交所有的作業,助教或同學檢閱後評分有通過標準才可以獲得 Coursera 與教育機構聯名的證書
這邊以申請google datascience 的專項課程做示範
1. 尋找你想要的課程,找到有助學金的標示,並點下去
2. 這邊請點選繼續申請,選註冊並立即開始學習會進入月繳1500的流程
3. 勾勾勾
4.選填 and 小作文
接下來就是寫寫小文章 (字數要求150),並附上隨便弄的範本XD
使用方式: 括號內看課程說明替換即可,個人資訊及專業再自己調整
This course titillates my attention. I believe that this course will really benefit me in the field of (課程項目), (課程項目) and will improve my professional skills in medicine. However, as a full-time student without work, I can no longer pay the extra monthly study cost by relying on scholarships and part-time tuition and living expenses on a daily basis. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in (medicine). The ability to learn, adapt, communicate, and organize is excellent. I believe that there will be achievements in () in the future. I have also been actively repaying the society, and volunteered for a year in the hospital to participate in (). I also actively participate in various (medical) activities. I'm motivated to finish this course, so please give me this chance.
I am a medical research student whose course covers statistics, genomic medicine, and other related topics, as well as bioinformatic analysis. Throughout the learning process, I eventually realized the necessity to go further into big data, which can assist scientists in better understanding (DNA, RNA and epigenetic patterns) and (genome analysis). In addition, this course will enable me to begin with basic programming, improve my handling of massive data, and use programming to evaluate performance of (biology). Furthermore, in (genomic)-related job requirements, (bioinformatic) has gradually become a must-have ability. After completing this course, I will be able to improve my professional skills and become a professional with both theoretical and practical knowledge. I'm hoping to obtain a job in (genomic medicine) after graduation, preferably in (Next generation sequencing experiments) and (Genomic technologies). I'm hoping that by using this course to learn about (genomic technologies), I'll be able to better understand further research.
Without any economic income, I am now entirely self-sufficient at home. Scholarships and part-time income can't always cover basic requirements, and I'm planning to complete my Ph.D. of (medical) research, so I don't expect to make a lot of money in the following four years. I hope to give back to the website by doing good things like promoting the coursera on the website, forums, and other platforms, through my excellent results on genomic data science.
如果成功提交,下一個頁面會看到提示將進行 15 天的審核
補充: 寫完之後我用同一個模板同時丟多個課程,之後也都通過審核了,但建議使用模板的時候可以稍微調整調整,爬完文還是有看到有人沒通過的