耶路撒冷秩序 - 長夜中的閃電
在近年諸多動蕩不安的暗流當中,能看到一些古人所察覺的問題以不同的形式再次出現在當代之中,若 2023 年的人們考究古人寫下這些句子日期,會發現那是 500 年前 1000 年前或更早之前。
那是秩序的源起,是秩序的連鎖,是秩序的分形 (fractal),它在長夜中會以閃電的形式暴鳴出現又瞬間遁去隱沒,靈魂被它震憾,久久不能回復平常的神智,在視野再次暗淡下去後,人們不斷嘗試回憶那遠離的驚鴻一瞥,那是耶路撒冷聖殿的閃影。
約莫 800 年前,猶太哲人 Maimonides ( Moses ben Maimon / Rambam / 邁蒙尼德) 為他即將遠行的學生寫下一本書。
which I have composed for you and for those like you, however few they are. [1]

這本書的英譯是 The Guide of the Perplexed,(英譯本其中一個版本的譯者是 Shlomo Pines,芝加哥大學的 Leo Strauss 作導讀)。中譯「迷途指津」,譯者是傅有德 (按 Friedlander 的英譯本譯成,並參考了 Shlomo Pines 的英譯)。
該猶太人需要學習數學、天文等自然科學,這是必要的認知基础。可參考古典博雅教育中,trivium 是文法、修辭、邏輯,quadrivium 是天文、幾何、算術、音樂。
The Guide of the Perplexed 的開頭,Maimonides 說他的書無法解答所有神學上的難題,但能解決其中一大部份的困惑。
I do not say that this Treatise will remove all difficulties for those who understand it. I do, however, say that it will remove most of the difficulties, and those of the greatest moment. [1]
Maimonides 又寫,即使是我們,對神學神話上的暗喻與隱秘也並非完全掌握。
對有些人來說,閃電一次又一次的出現,如此他們的視野更接近持續光照,黑夜對這些人來說類同白天。這些人是先知中的遠行者。對這些先知,Maimonides 引用了 申命記 (Deuteronomy) 的經文「只有你才能站在我的身旁 (But as for thee, stand thou here by Me)」再引出埃及記 (Exodus) 的「他的臉面放射出光芒 (that the skin of his face sent forth beams, and so on)」
對有些人來說,他們只在長夜中只瞥見過閃電一次。對這些人們,Maimonides 引用了民數記 (Numbers) 的「他們就作出預言,不過僅此一次而已 (they prophesied, but they did so no more)」。
You should not think that these great secrets are fully and completely known to anyone among us. They are not.
But sometimes truth flashes out to us so that we think that it is day, and then matter and habit in their various forms conceal it so that we find ourselves again in an obscure night, almost as we were at first. Weare like someone in a very dark night over whom lightning flashes time and time again. Among us there is one for whom the lightning flashes time and time again, so that he is always, as it were, in unceasing light. Thus night appears to him as day. That is the degree of the great one among the prophets, to whom it was said: But as for thee, stand thou here by Me, and of whom it was said: that the skin of his face sent forth beams, and so on.
Among them there is one to whom the lightning flashes only once in the whole of his night; that is the rank of those of whom it is said: they prophesied, but they did so no more. There are others between whose lightning flashes there are greater or shorter intervals. Thereafter comes he who does not attain a degree in which his darkness is illumined by any lightning flash. It is illumined, however, by a polished body or something of that kind, stones or something else that give light in the darkness of the night. And even this small light that shines over us is not always there, but flashes and is hidden again, as if it were the flaming sword which turned every way. It is in accord with these states that the degrees of the perfect vary. As for those who never even once see a light, but grope about in their night, of them it is said: They know not, neither do they understand; They go about in darkness. The truth, in spite of the strength of its manifestation, is entirely hidden from them, as is said of them: And now men see not the light which is bright in the skies. They are the vulgar among the people. There is then no occasion to mention them here in this Treatise. [1]
假設,他們的語言只有 emoji。
⚡😡😵💀✨💫💡🔥 = 閃電
1000 年之後,有人們拿著這串 emoji ⚡😡😵💀✨💫💡🔥,順著背倒著背跳著背,然後說他們理解閃電,並且說他們通曉閃電秩序。
在這幾百年一千年間,有的人們看到 ⚡ 這個符號,深深的著迷,他們在平凡的生活中有自己的家庭工作要忙,但也在閒暇中不時仰望星空。
這些對應著芝加哥大學學者 Leo Strauss 對 exoteric (ἐξωτερικός) / esoteric (ἐσωτερικός) 的理解,即「書寫兩面性」的理解。
學者 Arthur Melzer 著有一本 Philosophy Between the Lines: The Lost History of Esoteric Writing [2],中譯「字裏行間的哲學」(譯者是趙柯)。在這一本書中,Arthur Melzer 提供了大量歷史上「書寫兩面性」的案例,並且分析了那些前人為何如此做 (一方面是為了社會整體的安康,一方面是為了個人的安全)。

[1] Maimonides. The Guide of the Perplexed. Translated by Shlomo Pines. University of Chicago Press, 1963.
[2] Melzer, Arthur M. Philosophy Between the Lines: The Lost History of Esoteric Writing. University of Chicago Press, 2014.