原文出自 James Clear https://jamesclear.com/3-2-1/october-5-2023
3-2-1: On regrets, failing gloriously, and how to make good choices
"Before you discover what you love: fewer commitments, more experiments.
After you discover what you love: fewer experiments, more commitments."
我鼓勵小孩多方面嘗試,也是基於這個理由! 總拿自己當作負面教材,因為年近半百,我還在尋找WHAT I LOVE!!! 幸運的事,我有找到WHO I LOVE。年輕的時候多嘗試、多體會、多思考,找到所愛的事物機率總是高些! 總有些事情是會作得累但起勁的,當你有那感覺的時候,恭喜您! 距離所愛已經不遠了。
"It's hard to save poor early decisions with good late decisions.
It's hard to write a best-selling book if you chose an unpopular topic.
It's hard to build a happy marriage if you married an unhappy person.
It's hard to make money in real estate if you overpaid at the beginning.
Certainly, things can be improved by making good decisions along the way, but the effects of poor early decisions tend to linger."
女怕嫁錯郎、難怕入錯行! 認真投入前多想想,確認是正確的賽道再開始加速!
"One filter I use for making decisions: How much can I influence the outcome after the initial choice is made?
When I can do a lot to influence the outcome, I'm less worried about risk. Even if the choice appears risky on the surface, I can likely create a good outcome with effort.
When I can't do much to influence the outcome, I'm more risk averse. Even my best effort won't move the needle. Your ability to influence the outcome after a decision is made is a crucial thing to consider."
Martial artist and actor Bruce Lee on pushing yourself: "Don't fear failure. Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail."
李小龍說:別怕失敗!! 目標太低,雖沒敗績也無用! 挑戰巨大,雖敗猶榮
How can the work you're doing today accumulate and layer on top of what you did yesterday? Find ways to compound your efforts.