新入手樹莓派有感 - Fresh to Raspberry Pi
Hi guys,
不久前上了amazon 海淘了一個回香港!剛好今天星期天,有空逗一下。~~主要是樹莓派技術要求比較低!~~ 我買的是Vilros Raspberry Pi 3 Starter Kit [有興趣可到amazon買來試玩](https://www.amazon.com/Vilros-Raspberry-Clear-Power-Supply/dp/B01D92SSX6/)。
> It was a not so productive Sunday morning but it is quite fun to work on some mini project with Raspberry Pi. Today post I would like to share the process of getting it up and running and the difficulty I met during the process.
> Influenced by a friend. I purchased a Vilros Raspberry Pi 3 Starter Kit from Amazon. [Link to Amazon if you are interested](https://www.amazon.com/Vilros-Raspberry-Clear-Power-Supply/dp/B01D92SSX6/)

I bet some you had already heard of it or mastered and made numerous mini projects with it. But for friends who don't know much about it, I'll give a brief introduction.
> 但對於不太了解的朋友,下面會簡單介紹一下樹莓派。大神請跳過!
### <center>樹莓派簡介 | Brief Introduction - What is Raspberry Pi?</center>
樹莓派是成本僅 35 美元的微型電腦,由 Raspberry Pi 非營利基金會在 2012 年推出。它只有火柴盒大小,擁有入門級的硬體,可搭載開源的 Linux 系統和瀏覽器、文字處理、學習程式設計的軟體。創辦人 Eben Upton 的初衷是讓英國小孩學習編寫程式,因為他覺得英國缺少工程師。
其次是延展性強的設計。儘管一開始是針對教育的產品,最初 90% 的使用者都是個人開發者,也就是所謂的 「Maker」。小巧的體積、標準的 USB 連接埠、相容感應器裝置的 GPIO 板,讓樹莓派具有良好的擴充性,可以 DIY 出 BrickPi 機器人這樣有趣的產品。
> Raspberry Pi was developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and in developing countries. Cool! Why is it a thing? It is essentially a bare-bones personal computer with Linux OS installed. Priced at about $35 USD each. It is much cheaper than current scientific calculators or smartphones. It is a very cost-effective tiny device. Size is as big as a credit card.
> Besides, it has different connection ports such as USB, GPIO Header, HDMI, microSD socket, etc. which makes Raspberry Pi very scalable. Developers on Raspberry Pi are also known as "Maker".
### <center>My Raspberry Pi 3B</center>

# <center>你需要什麼來進入樹莓派 *Raspberry Pi 3B* 的世界?</center>
1. SD卡 - 推薦使用預先安裝了NOOBS 的8GB+ SD卡。 或者在[這里](http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/)免費下載。
2. 顯示器和連接電纜 - 任何HDMI顯示器和HDML CABLE。
3. 鍵盤和鼠標 - 任何標準的USB鍵盤和鼠標。
4. 電源 - 電源至少為5V 的 microUSB電源。
基本上插了microSD 卡, 鍵盤和鼠標 和顯示器就可以直接裝安裝Raspbrian OS 了!很直接。
> # <center>What you need to enter the world of Raspberry Pi?</center>
> 1. SD Card - recommend an 8GB class 4 SD card with pre-installed NOOBS (New Out Of the Box Software). [Download here](http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/).
> 2. Display and connectivity cables - Any HDMI/DVI monitor or TV should work as is.
> 3. Keyboard and mouse - Any standard USB keyboard and mouse will work.
> 4. Power supply - Use an at least 5V micro USB power supply to power your Raspberry Pi.
> And connect them all, you will start to see an installation page pop up on the display and install right away. Very straight forward.

## <center>系統內設什麼? | What inside straight out of the box?</center>

### <center>內設的懷舊小遊戲 | Pre-installed games.</center>
<center>These games remind me of my childhood.</center>

### <center>遇到困難 | Difficulty encountered</center>
成功安裝系統後,我發現不能連接到我的wifi。經過一段GOOGLE 後。我發現要更改Raspberry Configuration 內 "Locale" 和 "WIFI COUNTRY" 到我自己的地區。預設是UK, 需要改為 "Hong Kong"以正常連接。原因是什麼不太清楚。請看下圖。
> After successfully installed the OS, I failed to connect with my WiFi. I solved this issue by changing the setting in "Locale" & "WiFi Country" under Raspberry Configuration to my own location. See image below.

## <center>對Raspberry Pi的想法 | My thought about Raspberry Pi</center>
這無疑是一個偉大的發明。 不論是教育目的或DIY項目。 我看到這個小小的盒子藏著大大的潛力。 我打算為我的侄子買一個。以望能引導他在這個數字時代能因這小小的電腦對計算機科學產生一些興趣。為未來立好根基。在此也推介一下給有小孩的朋友。
日後有空會看有什麼新奇的Raspberry Pi porject,順道和大家分享 :)
> It is undoubtedly a great invention. No matter of what objective, educational purpose or DIY project usages. This tiny device housed so much potential. I am planning to buy another one for my nephew so he can play with it and hopefully grow some interests in computer science and bootstrap his knowledge in this digital era. Will definitely keep eyes for any new side project so that I can share with you all.
<center>謝謝你閱讀這麼久。 希望你會喜歡這篇文章。</center>
<center>Thank you for reading this long. Hope you enjoy it.</center>
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