Sola 宇宙搭车客计划 | Co-building Social Universe

进入游戏世界🎮 / Enter the Game
故事 / Story
1972 年 3 月 3 日,先驱者 10 号探测器曾经搭载着一块 “人类名片” 向茫茫太空飞去。
On March 3, 1972, the Pioneer 10 spacecraft carried a 'human message plaque' into the vastness of space.
这块镀金铝板由地球天文学家卡尔·萨根(Carl Sagan)主持设计。正是那群尝试从宇宙尺度描述自身的地球人们,创作了人类向宇宙发送的第一条讯号。
This plaque, made of gold-anodized aluminum, was designed under the supervision of the astronomer Carl Sagan. It was created by those who attempted to describe themselves on a cosmic scale, marking the first signal sent from humanity to the universe.

Their imagination was incredibly bold. Once various extraterrestrial life forms living in the same frequency band receive this cosmic signal, things could become interesting or surprising. Perhaps even frightening? Possible.
A spacecraft like Arrival? An alien? A group of colonizers? A harmless yet intriguing little jellyfish? Human-like life forms in the universe?
现在,我们邀请你加入这个充满可能性的 Sola Universe,发送你的第一条宇宙电波讯号。
Now, we invite you to join this Sola Universe full of possibilities and send your first cosmic signal.
Sola Universe 搭车客漫游指南 / Sola Universe Playbook
漫游字典 / Play Dictionary
捕手 / Linker 👈 点击加入
持有水母们发放的 Linker Badge,在 Sola Universe 中发行人情票证,想要获得新的人际连接和新朋友,期待着邀请 Voyager 们搭车的人。
The one holding the Linker Badge distributed by the jellyfish issues Reciprocity Tickets in the Sola Universe, seeking new social connections and making new friends, eagerly inviting Voyagers to join the journey.
漫游者 / Voyager 👈点击加入
在 Sola Universe 中漫游,四处寻找搭车机会,期待着收集和挑战各种人情票证的旅行者。
The one who roams the Sola Universe, searching far and wide for hitchhiking opportunities, eagerly awaits travelers who collect and challenge various Reciprocity Tickets.
搭车邀请 / Invitation:events page link
Linker 们发布的,搭载了人情票证及其获取规则的邀请。完成这些邀请即可领取人情票证,并找到对应的 Linker 进行兑换。
Posted by Linkers carry Reciprocity Tickets and their acquisition rules. Completing these invitations allows you to receive Reciprocity Tickets and find the corresponding Linker for redemption.
人情票证 & 社交徽章 / Reciprocity Ticket & Social Badge
社交徽章是 Social Layer 生态中所颁发的一切类型 token 的统称。Badge 的种类有很多,包括但不限于评价徽章、角色徽章、贡献徽章或礼物徽章等。人情票证则是搭载了某种承诺和人情关系,并且附带一些获取规则的社交徽章。
Social badges are released through the Social Layer, blablabla. Reciprocity Tickets, on the other hand, carry a certain commitment and social relationship, along with some acquisition rules, as social badges.
💡 参考和展示 / Reference and display
For example:如果你完成了 blablabla,那么你会得到 blablabla。
If you bring the Linker a non-fiction, mind-blowing story, you'll receive a hand-poured coffee from the Linker.如果你找到了捕手加密的烧烤店地点,那么你会得到捕手提供的一顿烧烤
If you discover the Linker's encrypted barbecue restaurant location, you'll be treated to a barbecue by the Linker.如果完成了捕手发布的个人访谈,那么你会的得到捕手提供的即兴戏剧工作坊入场券
If you complete the personal interview released by the Linker, you'll receive a ticket to an improvisational theater workshop hosted by the Linker.如果你为捕手推荐了氛围很好的小众咖啡馆,那么你会到捕手提供的一份下午茶
If you recommend an atmospheric indie café to the Linker, you'll receive an afternoon tea from the Linker.如果你为捕手分享了一番富有见地的哲学思考,那么你会得到捕手提供的AI学习工具包
If you share insightful philosophical musings with the Linker, you'll receive an AI learning toolkit from the Linker.
If you join the Linker in an exploration for the hidden gem shop in the city, you'll receive a city exploration map from the Linker.

注册 / Sign in
成为 Linker 👈点击加入
成为 Voyager 👈点击加入

捕手指南 / Playbook for Linker
Designing a ticket: What kind of cosmic signal do you hope to send out?
Design your reciprocity ticket pledge. What kind of cosmic signal do you want to send out?
🪩 参考和展示 / Reference and display
A cup of coffee/wine/any kind of drink分享一顿对你有纪念意义的晚餐
Share a memorable dinner with the voyager八段锦技能教学 / AI工具使用技巧分享
Tutorial on the Eight Pieces of Brocade (Ba Duan Jin)邀请参加即兴戏剧工作坊
An invitation to the improvisational theater workshopAI工具使用技巧分享
Share tips on using AI tools一次流体画共创
Collaborate on a fluid painting together
Consider and design the rules for your reciprocity ticket, along with what puzzles and conditions you would like to include?
🪩 参考和展示 / Reference and display
Tell a non-fiction, mind-blowing story共同看一部你们喜欢的电影
Watch a movie you both like寻找一颗松树的果实
Find a pine cone推荐几家附近的咖啡馆/酒吧
Recommend some nearby cafes/bars在固定的地点展开一场探索
Embark on an exploration at a fixed somewhere解开古早 Geek 在赛博空间设下的谜题( 推荐一个编码网站)
Solve a puzzle left by an ancient geek in cyberspace ( is recommended)
Don't forget to leave your contact information (in any way you prefer). For safety reasons, typically, you can set the meeting location at a cafe, park, or some other public venue.
Ticket Issuance: Transform your reciprocity ticket into a social badge.

三、发布搭车邀请:发布 Events,邀请 Sola Universe 中的 Voyager 领取你的人情票证。你可以设置参与人数上限,以免破产。发布任意有效邀请后,Linker 将得到水母们空投的 Linker Badge.
Publish Hitchhiking Invitations: Post events and invite Voyagers in the Sola Universe to claim your reciprocity ticket. You can set a maximum number of participants to avoid bankruptcy. After publishing any valid invitation, Linkers will receive the Linker Badge airdropped by the jellyfish.

四、打印车票:为符合乘车条件的 Voyager 颁发社交徽章。
Print Tickets: Award social badges to Voyagers who meet the boarding criteria.

五、检票登船:为你的 Voyager 兑现人情票证。
Ticket Inspection and Boarding: Redeem reciprocity tickets for your Voyagers.
搭车客指南 / Playbook for Voyager
一、检索车次:在 Sola Universe 中浏览并选择那些流通中的人情票证。
Retrieve Train Routes: Browse and select circulating reciprocity tickets in the Sola Universe. 👈 点击访问
🪩 参考和展示 / Reference and display
A cup of coffee/wine/any kind of drink分享一顿对你有纪念意义的晚餐
Share a memorable dinner with the voyager八段锦技能教学 / AI工具使用技巧分享
Tutorial on the Eight Pieces of Brocade (Ba Duan Jin)邀请参加即兴戏剧工作坊
An invitation to the improvisational theater workshopAI工具使用技巧分享
Share tips on using AI tools一次流体画共创
Collaborate on a fluid painting together
Respond to Hitchhiking Invitations: Sign up for hitchhiking invitations that interest you, and check the reciprocity ticket acquisition conditions.

🪩 参考和展示 / Reference and display
Tell a non-fiction, mind-blowing story共同看一部你们喜欢的电影
Watch a movie you both like寻找一颗松树的果实
Find a pine cone推荐几家附近的咖啡馆/酒吧
Recommend some nearby cafes/bars在固定的地点展开一场探索
Embark on an exploration at a fixed somewhere解开古早 Geek 在赛博空间设下的谜题( 推荐一个编码网站)
Solve a puzzle left by an ancient geek in cyberspace ( is recommended)
三、解密电波:根据 Linker 的描述,达成你的人情票证领取条件。
Decode the Signal: Meet the reciprocity ticket acquisition conditions according to the Linker's description.

四、打印车票:联络你的 Linker,领取对应的社交徽章。通常 Linker 会在邀请页面留下自己的联系方式,为了游戏安全,通常情况下,我们建议的地点是咖啡馆、公园或某个公共场所。
Print Tickets: Contact your Linker to receive the corresponding social badge. For safety reasons, the recommended locations are usually cafes, parks, or other public venues.
五、检票登船:向你的 Linker 兑现人情票证。
Ticket Inspection and Boarding: Redeem reciprocity tickets with your Linker.
加入 / Join in
成为 Linker 👈点击加入
成为 Voyager 👈点击加入
About Social Layer