The world of words are so limited yet also boundless.
It brings me to another dimension of time and space while reading novel. It takes me to the new realm of consciousness when come across different ideas and different ways of thinking. It spreads all the romantic seeds in heart field when visualizing those poetic expressions and transform them into painting. It offers me inspiration and laughter only by rearranging the order of alphabet!

The world of words also has its confinement. It appears when I feel the conditions I am encountered are too overwhelmed, as if different kinds of sound hit me on face all at once but I've found no way to defend myself, rather, I can only take in all with completely silence.
Words can be useless. It's useless when you have secret intention to hide and not telling them from the core of your heart. You hear them but they are not remained. Instead, what has kept is suspicion, like a hanging figure swinging in open air.
今天收到第二筆LikeCoin! 謝謝@Robert
