Short Story/illustration: The Pigs Who Couldn't Lie
Short Story/illustration: The Pigs Who Couldn't Lie

Author: Tonkabean
Translator: Rachel Szpara
Welcome to the lives of the three pigs Qiqi, Pipi, and Hua Hua. Qiqi and Hua Hua are diligent workers, while Pipi often slacks off and lies. However, the pig farm has a rule against lying, and while Qiqi and Hua Hua stick to it, the other pigs are unwilling to follow. The farmer becomes disappointed with the pigs and decides to bring in other animals to cause a stir. Collectively experiencing a change of heart, the pigs begin to focus on each other's health and happiness, learning the importance of love and sharing. Eventually, the farmer notices these changes and is pleasantly surprised by the pigs’ new behavior.
The story teaches us that by changing our attitude and behavior, we can create a better environment and foster more genuine friendships.東加豆-微故事-外語版/