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Covenanting with God


Covenanting with God

Lord, the God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below—you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way.(NIV, 1 Kings 8:23)

After God covenant with man, He bound Himself to man; those who fulfill and keep this covenant will be blessed and protected by this supreme God, and inherit all the blessings in the covenant! Because He will not break His covenant and will always be a God who keeps His covenant and shows love.

I. God takes the initiative to covenant with man

 The two main covenants in the Bible are the Old Testament and the New Testament. Both of these covenants are God’s active covenants with man. The Old Covenant was established on Mount Sinai. Moses  on behalf of Israel, the mediator of the Old Covenant, covenant with the LORD. The New Covenant was established in Mark Tower, that is, at the house of Mark’s mother Mary, at the feast on the day of the Last Supper. The New Covenant was established between God and the Lord Jesus, the mediator of the New Covenant on behalf of the people of Israel.

In both the Old and New Testaments, God covenant with the people of Israel, but Gentiles could join this covenant. Once we accept the salvation of the Lord Jesus, repent of our sins, and ask the Lord’s precious blood to forgive our sins, we enter into the grace of the New Covenant. When brothers and sisters receive the Holy Communion, eat bread and drink the cup in God’s house, they begin to fulfill this covenant.

In Christ Jesus, through the gospel, the Gentiles share the promise and become members of God’s family. We must hold on to the truth about the bread and cup, and faithfully and diligently work for the Lord until the Lord comes, so that we can obtain the covenant Blessings, drink a new cup with the Lord in heaven.

The Lord Jesus covenant with his disciples. After receiving the Holy Communion, he said, "I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”" (NIV, Matthew 26:26-29)

II. People can also take the initiative to covenant with God

Making a covenant is God’s protection for us, because God is a covenant-keeping and loving God.

1. Hannah covenant with God

In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly. And she made a vow, saying, “Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head.” (NIV, 1 Sam. 1:10-11).

Hannah covenanted with God and asked the LORD to give her a son, vowing that the child would be dedicated to God. As a result, she was blessed by God and gave birth to the great prophet Samuel; he was the prophet, judge, leader and servant of God in Israel. And anointed King Saul and King David.

2. Jacob covenant with God

Then Jacob made a vow, saying, “If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear so that I return safely to my father’s household, then the Lord will be my God and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God’s house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.” (NIV, Genesis 28:20-22)

Jacob covenant with God to give ten percent to the Lord; God protected him and blessed his descendants. Jacob is also called Israel, and the current nation of Israel is his descendant. As long as God’s people adhere to God’s covenant and contribute ten percent, God will protect this nation.

III. Examples of covenant making

1. Spiritual father:

When my spiritual father was pastoring at the church in Hualien, one day he prayed: "Dear Lord Jesus Christ! You are a good God. I don’t know if You have seen me, because there are so many people in the world, but I must I will serve you well." This prayer is his covenant with God; whether the Lord Jesus sees him or not, he will serve the Lord all his life.

Soon, on August 8, 1966, he experienced the rapture vision! God used this rapture life testimony to answer him: “Not only did I see you, but I also heard your prayer!”

2. The three sons of the spiritual father

 The spiritual father had three sons, namely Deen, Guangyu, and Canaan. When these sons were still young, one day he asked the three children, what will you do when you grow up? The three of them were stunned for a moment and didn't know how to answer. When the eldest son saw this, he was the first to stand up and speak bravely: "I want to be a pilot!"

The servant of God frowned and was very dissatisfied with the answer. Suddenly, he said loudly: "All three of you will be preachers when you grow up!" This is the declaration of the covenant to dedicate his son to God. . When the three of them grew up, they really did not work outside the home. They all worked in the church to shepherd God’s children.

On August 14, 2011, the servant of God ordained his eldest son as an apostle. On August 8, 2022, his second son and third son were ordained as apostles. The three of them took over their father's work in California, New York, Taiwan and Mainland China respectively, preaching the gospel, pastoring churches, running logistics, and waiting for the Lord to come and marry his bride.

3. Sister Yu Yu-zhi(余玉枝)

Sister Yu Yuzhi(余玉枝), a deacon of at church in Shipai(石牌), prayed to God because she was not pregnant and said, "Lord Jesus! Please give me a child, and I will dedicate this child to You!" This is Sister Yu(余玉枝)'s promise to God, and It was her covenant with God.

Sure enough, God gave her a girl and blessed her. Now she has become a full-time fellow worker of her spiritual father, sister Chen Shi-Han(陳詩涵) at the church in Los Angeles.

4. The testimony of Pastor Philip Mantofa

When I was young, I didn’t understand what calling meant. In fact, He had already chosen me. My mother is the one who worries me the most, because I have been weak since I was a child, often sick, and am her child with the most problems. I truly converted to the Lord at the age of eighteen, and the Holy Spirit spoke to me:

“I call you to follow me, just as I call my disciples: Come and follow me.”

During that period of time, I had been hesitant and wanted to refuse at one point because I didn’t know whether these words came from God. But just when I wanted to refuse, the Holy Spirit said:

"You have no right to refuse, because your mother has already dedicated you to me. When you were sick, your mother promised to dedicate you to me."

I was curious about this, so I ran to ask my mother; it turned out to be true! Although she forgot about it at first, she remembered it later. This was a secret agreement between my mother and God. No one knew about it, not even my father. She never told me, and she was very surprised when I asked about it!

5. Rebecca Brown MD (author of Prepare For War)

The following is Rebecca’s testimony:

One Friday night, God told Elaine and I (a believer who had left Satanism) to covenant with Him to protect both of them from the devil's snare, because Satan was about to launch a fierce attack soon. So they made a covenant and wrote the following in a notebook:

"Heavenly Father, in obedience to your command, your servants Rebecca and Elaine hereby covenant with you for your protection against the coming attacks by Satan's servants. We ask you for this protection, and thank you for it, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ."

Six months later, one day Rebecca was instantly transported to the throne room of God. She heard Satan standing before the Lord petitioning for Elaine and herself.

"I petition for your servants, the one is a traitor to me, and both have agreed to serve you even to the point of death. I don't believe them. They are lying. I want to prove that. Let my servants sacrifice them at this Black Mass and you'll see just how shallow their commitments are."

Then the Lord addressed Rebecca. "Woman, what do you have to say to this petition from Satan?"

Rebecca held out the notebook. "Father, you know our hearts. I wish to present to you this covenant you made with us. Elaine and I obeyed your command in making this covenant, now I respectfully present it to you in the name of Jesus Christ your Son."

Rebecca found herself holding her breath for what seemed a long moment of silence. Then she heard the Father turn to Satan and say, "You know, Satan, that I always keep my covenants. I covenanted with these my servants to protect them from this attack by your servants. You cannot have their lives, your servants cannot attack them. I will keep my word. Depart from me."

IV. covenant prayer

Pastor James Kawalya is from Uganda. Before his rebirth, he was a "high-level wizard" and "Satanist" in Africa. He met Jesus and was reborn. It has been 24 years now. He is powerfully revealing: "Darkness and light are fighting, the actual experience of the spiritual world!" The following is his testimony:

Devils in the spiritual world know very well that the only thing that empowers people is to covenant with God and perform "covenant prayer" as a whole. Today’s churches rarely realize the importance of “keeping covenants.” If the church prays with a covenant, it will definitely be better than praying without a covenant.

The power of "Covenant" is extraordinary! Even if there are only "two people", the power of two people making a covenant to pray is incredible. Jesus said, “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” (NIV, Matthew 18:19-20)

In today's spiritual warfare, "fighting alone" will not work! If the whole body prays in covenant with God, with one heart and one spirit, it will produce great power. If a person is not surrounded by covenant relationships, his or her power will be minimal. The law of the spiritual world is that "the spirit does not work alone." Including the supreme God, He is the true God of the Trinity, and all work is participated by the "Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

1. Group covenant prayer

Covenant prayer means praying alone according to the vows in your heart and the agreement with God. Group covenant prayer means two or three people or more covenant before God, build a holy altar, and pray with God in agreement. Lord Jesus said:

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (NIV, Matthew 18:19-20)

2. Fasting for three days and three nights

Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: “Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.” (NIV, Esther 4:15-16)

The three days and three nights of fasting at the end of every year are the spiritual father’s covenant with the Lord and the fasting and prayer of the church as a whole. This kind of overall covenant prayer will produce great power; just like Queen Esther, she gathered all the Jews in Shushan and did not eat or drink for three days and three nights. They all fasted and prayed together and defeated Haman (the devil). With the power of the Jews, the Jews turned defeat into victory!

 2025 is a year of troubles, but it is also a year of revival of the church by the Holy Spirit! If we can fast for three days and three nights at the end of this year, humbly confess our sins and repent, and ask for the precious blood of the Lord Jesus to cover us, He will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. At the same time, the church must also harvest abundant crops in the new year, dress up neatly, and wait for Christ to come and marry the bride.

At the end of 2024, the church will fast and pray for three days and three nights, starting from 00:00 on December 26 to 4 pm on December 28.

(Praise the LORD. Please ask the Lord Jesus Christ to help us fast and pray during the prescribed time to get through the fast and pray.)

3. Testimony of Pastor James Kawalya of Uganda:

⑴. Covenant prayer of 21 people

Before I believed in the Lord, I was participating in a dark force that was trying to build a "Nile Highway" starting from Uganda and extending to Egypt, Syria, and Israel. But the progress is quite unsatisfactory. This is because a group of Christians are occupying and taking over. The area of ​​influence is not limited to Uganda, but also extends to all parts of the world. However, the dark higher-ups told me: “This group of Christians are engaged in covenant-style collective prayer; these people cannot be seen by you because they are hidden in a ‘realm of light’.”

"These 21 people" decided to pray together for 90 days, 6 hours a day, from 3 am to 9 am. During the appointment, it was also stated that if anyone fails to arrive or is late during the appointment, even if it has reached the 89th day, everyone will start over from the 1st day the next day. They repented, worshiped, praised, and fought spiritually in meetings for 6 hours a day, day after day, rain or shine. "

What surprised me even more was that this group of Christians who performed covenant prayers turned out to be just "20 illiterate elderly women and a young pastor." However, the power of their prayers was so shocking. It's incredible! The power of prayer in the covenant lives of these 21 people is more powerful than you imagine!

⑵. The influence of covenant

"When Satan convened a dark conference, these 21 people had been praying for more than 40 days, influencing 7,000 apostate and indifferent pastors around the world, changing from "powerless" to "awakening and revival" in locations including Colombia, Europe and Japan, etc., across all continents. No matter where they (revived pastors) are, they can get this power as long as this 21-person prayer team repentes, worships, and fights in the Lord, on the other side of the world. , some people wake up from their slumber and receive spiritual revival.”

These 21 people did not know that they had this influence. The church was not even a large church in the city, but was located in "a small place" in the suburbs. The church floor did not even have a single tile. They just believed and obeyed, kept their promises and prayed with simple faith.

When I returned to Uganda, there were only 22 days left before the 21 people made a covenant to pray. The dark higher-ups pointed out that if these 21 people continued to pray for 90 days, they would "take over" Uganda in the spiritual world and suppress it for the next 70 years. Satan cannot take any action there─if this 90-day covenant comes true!

⑶. The devil’s plan of destruction

I was given $500,000 to do whatever it took to destroy the prayer team and was instructed to:

"You cannot attack members directly to avoid death or becoming a Christian; you can only try to 'break the covenant' and make at least one member of the intercession team break the contract."

Because in the spiritual world, the power of the "covenant" is unbreakable! On the contrary, any ministry that is not within the "covenant" cannot have any influence; no matter how many people are active on the surface or how many hours of prayer, it will not threaten the enemy.

The dark higher-ups gave me a thick collection of research results, which covered the backgrounds, histories, personality weaknesses, families, and family connections of these 21 people. I must study and find the root of their sins, and find legal grounds for accusation in the spiritual world. to attack.

⑷. Attack the "bitterness" in the prophetess's heart

I discovered that a woman on my prayer team who was deeply gifted with prophetic gifts had a major weakness for many years: “She had never dealt with the issue of resentment toward her deceased mother.” The inner "bitterness" of this female prophet was taken into consideration by the dark team.

I gathered some girls from Satanism and started a series of work. The strategy was that these female Satanists tried to join the intercessory prayer group. If the other party allowed it, there would be flaws in this covenant that could be destroyed in a big way. During this period, I fasted alone in the wilderness day and night, constantly issuing curses to ensure that when a breach appeared, the curse would fall on the intercessory members.

The satanic girl was given a new car and drove to the church in style. Then she went to the pastor and said, "God moved me to join your prayers..." At that moment, the prophetess immediately realized that "something was wrong." , and said to the pastor: "What the other person said is not from God!"

⑸. Sprinkle salt on the prophetess’s unhealed wounds.

When the Satanic girl saw this, she pretended to be innocent and said to the prophetess: "But why do you have to drive me away? By the way, you are talking just like your mother..."

The satanic girl deliberately sprinkled salt on the unhealed wounds of the prophetess. The prophetess's anger was immediately aroused, and her whole body "fell into the flesh", so she blurted out insults: "Don't talk like that! You witch..." At that moment, thousands of curses I cast landed on it! The breach by the prophetess left the prayer team vulnerable to attack. It can be seen from this that the flesh is the "open door" that the enemy can exploit; anyone who plays with the flesh will cause people to close the work of the Holy Spirit.

⑹. Use money to seduce young pastors

The young pastor, who was not as spiritually sensitive as the prophetess, immediately smoothed things over and said that he did not need to be too harsh and that he could talk to the girl in detail after the prayer meeting. Later, Satan taught the girl to give out a large sum of money as a donation, which hit the pastor's inner "weakness about money" and he began to struggle faintly.

The pastor looked at the new car that the girl drove and the large donation, and decided to ignore the warning of the prophetess and tried to convince himself: "This is God's provision." After accepting the money, you gave the other party "a foothold." The intercession team began to have more and more disagreements as the satanic girl joined the church.

Soon, the satanic girl brought another "sister" to interfere with the worship! Because the pastor had accepted people's offerings and could not refuse them, he allowed untested Satanists to come on stage to receive hymns, thus defiling the altar.

⑺. Attack the shepherd’s daughter

The intercessory prayer team is still in operation, and the pastor still adheres to the "morning appointment" made with God every day. Satan taught the girl to attack her sleep. Because the pastor’s daughter was not in a covenant relationship, the Satanist girl projected a skin disease that made her daughter noisy all night, causing the pastor to fall into exhaustion just to take care of her.

⑺. The shepherd was lured by the house and accidentally drank human blood juice, and his body was defiled.

The pastor's power still existed, so the girl from the Satanic Church launched a "separation plan" and proposed to buy a house for the pastor to break away from the original community. By now, the pastor's "discernment" has become quite weak.

The shepherd was very excited to have a house for free; and when he saw all the furniture in the house, he completely lost his vigilance and even drank a glass of girl's juice mixed with human blood without any precautions, causing his body to be defiled.

At that time, the covenant prayer had reached the "88th day", and the intercessory prayer team was already in various situations. Not only did the church join Satanists, the pastor was defiled, and there were also conflicts between people. Some members began to compare and complain with each other because they accepted money and started small businesses from girls taught by Satan.

⑻. Only one day left, the covenant prayer is over

On the 89th day, a member finally couldn't stand it anymore and questioned the pastor: "Pastor, these people (outsiders) are doing these things here... We have violated the agreement!" The pastor was immediately offended because he had been tainted. , he blurted out and cursed the other party: "I'm going to kill you, oh yes, you will definitely die... you all must die!"

The humiliated woman attacked the pastor, and immediately the members started fighting and arguing. Finally, the intercession members dispersed angrily. Just one day before the "appointment ended," the prayer meeting officially ended!

Afterwards, I received a call from the top of the darkness. The other party said that the "road" was open because the renaissance had been successfully blocked.

⑼. In this group of 21 people, as long as one person humbly apologizes, they can cross the finish line.

"They only have one day left." During the interview, I regretfully said that if the team had still kept the promise for 90 days, even though it was chaotic and dirty, and the altar would not have the same influence as it did at the beginning, it would still have a certain effect.

As long as there is one person in the prayer meeting team who is willing to humbly apologize and bring an atmosphere of forgiveness, everyone can cross the finish line and complete the covenant they made, and everything will enter a completely different realm.

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