$MASK is listed on PancakeSwap Syrup Pools & Farms

We are happy to announce that the native token of Mask Network is listed on Syrup Pools and Farm in PancakeSwap. All token holders could stake $CAKE in Syrup Pools or stake $MASK-$BNB LP in Farm, to earn $MASK or $CAKE accordingly. The Yield Farming will increase liquidity for $MASK, and enrich the use cases for $MASK token.
Since the integration of Binance Smart Chain (BSC) in June, our team has been working hard in bringing amazing projects on BSC to Mask extension. The extension v1.34.0 will support PancakeSwap, providing more choices to users when swapping BEP20 assets.

Meanwhile, we have also launched the Mask Bridge, which provides a simple and economic way to convert $MASK tokens between ERC20 and BEP20. See the end of this article for tutorials on how to use the Mask Bridge.

Stake $CAKE and earn $MASK on the Syrup Pools
Total Tokens: 111,000 $MASK
Distribution Duration: 60 Days
Start Block: 8943700 (approx. 09:00 AM July 7th, UTC)
Finish Block: 10671700 (approx. 09:00 AM Sept 5th, UTC)
Token Rewards per Block: 0.06423 $MASK
Stake $MASK-$BNB LP in Farm and earn $CAKE
In order to host the $MASK Syrup Pool, we will need to provide a $MASK-$BNB farm that will have 1x $CAKE rewards for the first 48 hours and then 0.5x $CAKE rewards after that.
Max Stake per wallet
100 $CAKE for the first 48 hours, then unlimited $CAKE staking.
To give as many CAKE holders the opportunity to Farm some juicy pool rewards at a high APY, we will have a 100 CAKE token cap staking limit per user for the first 48 hours.
How do you stake CAKE to earn MASK rewards?
- Visit this webpage: https://pancakeswap.finance/syrup
- Click “Approve CAKE” on the MASK Syrup Pool
- Click on the stake button.
- Confirm the transaction.
The official $MASK token contract address on Binance Smart Chain is:
Please be careful.
Any other $MASK token will be a scam and will result in a financial loss for users. Do not buy tokens from any other token address. Always verify the token address before purchasing tokens.
See below for tutorials on:

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