
原子習慣作者James Clear每周3個idea、2個引用、1個問題,十分受用的tips!

我在收聽的podcast通勤十分鐘聽到有這樣一個作者,就是寫原子習慣的作者James Clear會在每周跟有訂閱他maillist的人分享他的3-2-1 ,也就是

  • 3 Ideas from me 三個來自他自己想出來的idea
  • 2 quotes from others 兩個引用於別人的話
  • 1 question for you 一個給你的問題

我覺得每周看,在這3-2-1中,總能得到一些收穫! 以下是他本周的3-2-1

3 Ideas From Me

I. 好與壞,往往多看幾次就會變化。看同樣的事情第二次,通常可以產生更聰穎的想法,然而,那只不過是將事物表象擦乾淨一點所看到的不同視角。花時間把事情做對,並再多修改一次。

"The difference between good and great is often an extra round of revision.
The person who looks things over a second time will appear smarter or more talented, but actually is just polishing things a bit more.
Take the time to get it right. Revise it one extra time."

​II. 要快速學習某件事的最好策略,就是把該領域的書呆子堵在牆角。找到關於你想要學的項目的書呆子(專注那領域的專家)並問他所有你可能想到的問題。

"One of the best strategies for learning something quickly: corner a nerd.
Find someone who totally geeks out about that topic and ask them every question you can think of."

III. 複利的簡單指引:你無法執著於你不享受的事物上,若你無法執著在那上面,就無法複利。先產生興趣才能持續投入,最後終能產出。

"A brief guide to compounding:
If you don’t enjoy something, you won’t stick with it.
If you don’t stick with it, it won’t compound.
Being interested precedes the results."

2 Quotes From Others

I. 覺得自己不好,但又希望別人覺得你優秀? 別傻了!! 別指望別人能給你自己所不能給自己的。想要被愛,要從愛自己開始。

Author and social activist bell hooks on how to love yourself:

"One of the best guides to how to be self-loving is to give ourselves the love we are often dreaming about receiving from others. There was a time when I felt lousy about my over-forty body, saw myself as too fat, too this, or too that. Yet I fantasized about finding a lover who would give me the gift of being loved as I am.

It is silly, isn't it, that I would dream of someone else offering to me the acceptance and affirmation I was withholding from myself. This was a moment when the maxim "You can never love anybody if you are unable to love yourself" made clear sense. And I add, "Do not expect to receive the love from someone else you do not give yourself."

Source: All About Love: New Visions​

​II. 把寫作或是任何事做好的技巧,就是沉浸當下,感知你正在做的事情,並持續練習,直到能力可以向湧泉般自然湧出。

Author Toni Morrison on how to get better at writing—or anything, really:

"I thought of myself as like the jazz musician: someone who practices and practices and practices in order to be able to invent and to make his art look effortless and graceful. I was always conscious of the constructed aspect of the writing process, and that art appears natural and elegant only as a result of constant practice and awareness of its formal structures."

Source: The Paris Review​

1 Question For You

這個問題不輸給2021 Matters年度問卷,而且更頻繁,每周一封,每周一問,可以持續探索直到下周! 本周問題:甚麼是我因習慣持續做,但卻對我無用的事?

What am I continuing to do out of habit, but is no longer serving me?


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貓眼看世界貓~偶爾懶散,偶爾機警,以不同的視角解讀這個世界。 對賺錢有濃厚興趣,尤其是加密幣,也喜歡分享自己的所思所想,希望透過網路以文會友。
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