🍜 向陽路 豐原 排骨麵 的「骨氣」Best stewed pork soup served with noodles in Fengyuan , Taiwan

Stewed pork soup served with noodles is a classic dish of Fengyuan Dist. Taichung.
The best stewed pork soup served with noodles at Xiangyang Rd., Fengyuan Dist. is the only restaurant served that dish I’ll recommend.
They cooked the dish almost perfect from light-fried & pickled pork ribs to the tasty soup.
But the chef’s fiery temper is also as famous as the food he served. He definitely will shout to the customers who don’t wait in line or rude customers.
That’s a reason I love the restaurant. It’s a kind of appetizer for me to watch him roaring to rude customers.
It’s reasonable to choose a restaurant that the chef can serve you a gourmet and protect you from other bad customers.
Restaurant info:
420 台中市豐原區向陽路173號
No.173, Xiangyang Rd.,Fengyuan Dist., Taichung City420, Taiwan
Opening hours:
12:00–14:00 & 17:00–21:00