英文博客角 | 「牧羊少年奇幻之旅」读后感
1 为什么电影和书中的善良得不可思议的人物会让我感动?(触发点是来自和小羊讨论「白痴」,以及电影「幸福的阿扎罗」)
2 为什么我需要一个神 (触发点来自于我写的第一个问题,我发现我跟着自己的思想之流,流到了神这个地方,所以第二天我接着这个地方开始写)
3 我为什么恐惧死亡 (触发点同2,写到第二个问题的结尾,我来到了第三个问题)
4 关于信息 (触发点是看到了陈丹青的「荒废集」里面的一句话,我觉得说得很对,但当时我还没想明白我赞同的原因,于是我想通过写出来去想明白它)
5 关于恶与软弱 (触发点是小羊看的群消息中的一段话,说恶往往与软弱相关。同样是我没想通,所以想看看能不能通过写下来想明白)
6 看完「牧羊少年奇幻之旅」后的读后感 (也就是下面这篇,这是一本我很喜欢的小说,但如果你去豆瓣和亚马逊看,会发现大家对这本书的评价十分两极化,幸好我没有提前看书评的习惯,所以收到了一个很好的礼物)
7 一封给爱人的love letter (触发点是情人节没有买礼物hhh)
博客的地址是 https://ternurar.github.io

Yesterday, I have read a book called 「The Alchemist」 written by Paulo Coelho. I think it is an amazing book that changed the lives of many people. As for me, it also has its magic power.
The story of the book is quite simple. It tells a story that a boy who looking for his destiny eventually.
He had been a shepherd before he began the unusual journey. At the shepherd time, he and his sheep traveled around, the sheep need food and water, the boy needs to look at the outside world. And he had learned the language of sheep naturally. They can't talk but they can communicate. One day, the boy had a dream, and the next day he had the same dream again. Then he met an interpreter and a king. Both of them encouraged the boy to look for treasure which he had dreamt of. Then the journey begins.
In our lives, there may be no one who would tell us to look for our destiny. No one tells us we live because we need to look for the one. Destiny only belongs to ourselves. If we don't find it, we miss it forever. I always hear someone tells me they have no idea about what they want to do. For a long time, it also bothers me a lot.
The author also wants to express another point that is everything is the one thing. A grain of sand in the desert can also record the history of the desert. Everything in the world has its destiny and its track. Just like you find when you can love one person, then you also can love the flower, the stone, the sky, and the world even. Because they are the same thing. You find love, then you find you can love everything. The one in your life is irreplaceable is not because who he is but he is the person who teaches you what love is. He makes you understand love and destiny. He leads you to the real world's entrance. In this meaning, everything is one thing, but they all have their destiny. Return to destiny, when I grow up and have more energy, I find my identity gradually. I wouldn't like to compare myself with others because it has no meaning. I also find I am not afraid of the destiny as before, I'm accumulating energy to achieve it.
Now, many people have left nature, which becomes something out of our daily life. When we travel, we get close to nature. Everyone wants to travel and go back to nature, but in real life, they are away from it. So we begin to neglect the changing of nature and the power of nature. We have forgotten the sun and the moon, they just become something we need but not we like. We may have a cat or a dog, they become our friends. But there are many other animals in nature we have forgotten. Long long ago there are animals and people in the world. I imagine sometimes they are the friend and more time they are enemy. No matter what, when they meet they look at each other because they are just something in the world. They are equal. The meaning of equality is not to say they have the same power or lifespan, but they are from the same world. Now, it isn't like that, human become more powerful, we can do many things what the other species even don't know about. We have changed a lot, but they don't. So we are separated. But for the boy in the book, the boy said he knows what the sheep are thinking, he understands their language. Maybe they are not friends, they are the partner at least. As for me, I also want to know what the sheep are thinking, that will be amazing.
The last thing I learned from the book is destiny needs us to take action instead of imaging. Someone who has a dream but they don't achieve because they don't want to achieve the dream sincerely. They just need a dream and let them live with it.
Many people need a dream. But the dream is the house, car, lipstick, clothes, or maybe more important thing - the money. These things became their dreams. When I earn money, I don't feel happy, but I need it. I live in a society in which money is important, not the dream and destiny. I think that's why we need the book, I think it can change something in the money world.