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碼幣會唔會係民主嘅快鏡?Is cryptocurrency a fast-forward version of democracy?



1. 原來的理念是希望大家能夠掌握自己應有的東西,經濟、話語權

2. 大家為了效率、便利、應用範圍、利益而主動交出資產、個人資料去接受集中管理

3. 不知不覺間理論上屬於大家的東西實際上在誰的手中呢?有爭議時實際決定權又在誰手裏?是在我們手中?還是要哀求別人還給我們?




1. 本身理念上希望大家可以掌握返自己應有嘅嘢,錢、話事權

2. 大家為咗效率、方便、應用範圍、利益而主動畀自己嘅資產、個人資料人哋集中管理

3. 唔覺唔覺其實而家理論上屬於大家嘅嘢實際上喺邊個手中?有爭拗時實際上決定權喺邊個手上?係我哋手上?定係要求人哋畀返我哋?


I read an article and some related reports and clarifications which was about something Binance did some time ago. From those content I saw something else, it seems that the idea of decentralization is pretty much lost for cryptocurrencies, with Binance being the biggest centre.

I am not really involved in cryptocurrencies, thus these are just some feelings of a layman. There are some similarities I see from these two matters:

1. Originally it was an idea of letting us take back the control of our finance and our say.

2. We hand over our assets and personal information to central management for efficiency, convenience, applicability and benefits.

3. Before we realize, we no longer "have" what were supposed to be ours. Say, if there is an argument, will you find that you are the one holding it? Or will you have to beg to get it back?

We can also see that people are pretty much the same regardless of origin. Do not presume there will always be a more advanced people who will save the day. People do not want the hassles, just like you and I do not want them. And when none of us wants to deal with them, things are lost before we realize.