樂音V お前も舞うか?/Will you dance too?
愛聽巴洛克音樂的朋友一定都知道,巴洛克組曲是由多首舞曲所組成的,例如庫朗(Courante)、薩拉邦德(Sarabande)、基格(Gigue)等。即使不是組曲中的舞曲,如佛利亞(La Folia)、卡納利(Canarios)等風格鮮明的舞曲,也都讓人印象深刻。有一個有趣的小常識:除了阿勒曼德外,其他舞曲的舞步都被保存了下來。也就是說,像上篇提到的知名“巴赫”小步舞曲,都可以配上音樂齊舞。
For those who love Baroque music, it is well known that Baroque suites consist of several dances, such as Courante, Sarabande, and Gigue. Even dances that are not typically part of the suites, like La Folia and the Canarios, leave a strong impression due to their distinctive styles. Here's an interesting fact: apart from the Allemande, the dance steps of other movements have been preserved. This means that Baroque dances, like the famous "Bach Minuets" mentioned in the previous article, can actually be danced to.
It is said that dance is the embodiment of music; when a dancer's steps perfectly match the beat of the music, the heart and the rhythm resonate together, and a sense of wonder arises. In that moment, every step on stage becomes a leap of the soul, and we, as the audience, feel our hearts beating in time, as if we are in the sanctuary of art.
二十世紀之後"古樂復興",許多古樂團在演奏時會搭配舞蹈一齊演出,現在YouTube上可以找到不少這樣的演出影片,值得大家花時間搜尋欣賞。這次我推薦美國古樂團Voices of Music與兩位舞者Robin Gilbert和Carlos Fittante共同演出的義大利作曲家韋瓦第(Antonio Vivaldi, 1678 - 1741)的佛利亞舞曲(Trio Sonata in D minor, RV 63 "La Follia")。
After the 20th century's "early music revival," many ensembles started incorporating dance into their performances. Nowadays, you can find many such performances on YouTube, which are well worth your time to search for and watch. This time, I recommend a performance by Voices of Music, along with dancers Robin Gilbert and Carlos Fittante, featuring Antonio Vivaldi's (1678 – 1741) La Follia (Trio Sonata in D minor, RV 63).

Enjoy the romance of three centuries ago!
1. 關於更多舞步的資訊,請參閱: https://danceinhistory.com/tag/guillaume-louis-pecour/
For more information on dance steps, please refer to the link above
劉明睿博士, 台灣古典吉他家、作曲家、教育家 FB: mingjuiliuguitarist
Dr. Ming-Jui Liu, Taiwanese classical guitarist, composer, and educator

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