- 最基本的是單純把拼錯的單字改正、把文法修好
- 再多一點是把重複使用的字詞,根據學生的程度替換成其他同義字,來增加用字的豐富度。
- 進一步可以整個句子的架構重新安排,在不大幅度調整文意的前提下,換成更流暢的句法。
- 要求更多的就是文章的“內容”和“本意”如果不夠對題,給予建議和修改的方向。
- 最後是在尊重學生原意的前提下,以“如果換我來寫,我會這麼說...”的方式重寫一篇。
People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university?
To date, most people attend college or university after high school instead of joining the job market. In my opinion, people choose this path for several different reasons as detailed below.
First and foremost, people go to college to acquire knowledge and skills they are interested in or consider useful in their future career. In college, there are scholars and professors who spend their lifetime in certain fields. They are the experts who could provide the best learning environment for the students to thrive.
Second, people may hope to broaden their minds by meeting different people with a variety of cultural backgrounds in college. Working together with classmates or organizing events with clubmates could spark new experiences and ideas that will enrich the students' life.
Third, people might go to college to explore and discover their own interests. There are lots of courses for students to choose from. Students could realise their potentials and reach different opportunities by utilizing the resources colleges provide.
In conclusion, I think most people attend college to learn skills and knowledge, broaden their visions and minds, and find their interests. College and university have the resources to support a healthy environment for students to flourish.