有人在Discord 問,當驗證人可以收到幾錢。於是我便以自己的節點為例,嘗試計一計這條數。若有錯還望各位前輩指正。
Someone asked in discord. Can someone profit by being a validator. So I do little maths with reference to my own situation.
My node in Chihuahua: https://www.mintscan.io/chihuahua/validators/chihuahuavaloper1x8drn3260ezg3se6j7w7wqhy090u4wsjt9raj8
為方便計算,會假設節點的委託量是1,000,000Huahua, 節點的委託量在一個月內沒有改變
To simplify the calculation, assume the voting power is 1 million of Huahua and it remain unchanged for a month.

現時每個block 會產生約9827HUAHUA
~9827HUAHUA /Block
= (HUAHUA allocated to SF RES Land) * (1 - self bonded %) * commission rate
=9827 * (1,000,000 / 11,927,971,973)* 0.93 * 0.05 = ~0.04huahua
On Chihuahua chian --> 432000 blocks / month
Commission / month = 0.04 * 432000 = ~16,550huahua
除了Commission,還有tx fees distribution,通常每個block 的fee 不足0.1huahua,所以假設fee 是0.05huahua,假設proposer 的Bonus 是1% (因為SF RES Land 的voting power 低,1天大約propose 1個block,所以proposer bonus 可以忽略)
Beside commission, there is also tx fee distribution. Usually collected fees of each block less then 0.1huahua. Just let the fee be 0.05huahua. Proposer bonus is 1% (As SF RES Land voting power is too low, usually the node can propose at most 1 block per day. The bouns can neglect)

tx fees distribution/block = (Total fee/100.01) * (voting power %)
= 0.05/100.01 * 0.01 = ~5uhuahua
tx fees / month = ~2.1huahua
Validator total commission / month = ~ 16,552huahua
而營運一個Validator的最低成本是約100USD,某些節點提供Relayer 服務,需求會更大。
Operating as validator at least cost 100USD to provide safe infrastructure. So serve as relayers and etc would cost even higher.
100USD = ~12,500huahua
Income of the Validator = 16,552-12500 = 4052HUAHUA
Theoretically, commission should be a bit more then the above calculation. But just a bit)
Conclusion: Being a validator is not grantee to gain profit!
(如有錯請指正!Please point out my mistake! Thanks)
我是Chihuahua驗證人SF RES Land,期望能用Chihuahua收窄數碼鴻溝,歡迎支持我
SF RES Land is Chihuahua Validator, striving for narrow the digital divide by Chihuahua. Please support me.
Delegate to SF RES Land:
1) https://chihuahua.omniflix.co/ 按Delegate,找SF RES Land
2) 用Cosmostation app 中的Delegate
3) https://ping.pub/chihuahua/staking/chihuahuavaloper1x8drn3260ezg3se6j7w7wqhy090u4wsjt9raj8

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