增強政治意願 加速2030議程——中國大陆和香港民間社會的聲音
增強政治意願 加速2030議程
2030年議程已經到達中間點。 我們為進展所激勵,同時也看到,通向目標之路依然遙遠而曲折。
- 不少人有返貧之憂。 新冠疫情以來,低收入群體更加生計艱難。 其他天災人禍,讓無數人失去家園、損失家產、耗盡家財。 農村婦女在村民資格、責任田和宅基地、繼承權、低保和其他社會保障方面維權艱難。
- “隱性饑餓”仍然存在。 多達3億的城鄉人口受到影響,2022年中國0-3歲嬰幼兒中,90%以上或多或少存在“營養隱性饑餓”問題。 食物的品質、多樣性及其營養指標尚未得到重視。
- 健康和福祉存在威脅。 新冠疫情的遺患不明。 農村老年和城鄉青少年的健康服務、尤其是精神健康、性和生育健康服務,不合格疫苗後果的補救,孕產婦保健中對婦女本人身心健康的關注,都面臨巨大缺口。
- 優質和包容的教育仍未能全覆蓋。 教育方式和教育內容嚴重制約了青少年的成長; 戶籍等制度性因素仍然影響著教育資源的分配,包括早期教育的機會,城鄉之間、地區之間的教育公平,得到母語教育的權利。
- 性別平等乏善可陳。 婦女參政缺位或僅為點綴。 就業和收入的歧視持續。 消除性別歧視的立法及其仍未達到中國加入的國際公約的標準; 家庭暴力、性暴力和就業歧視的實施者和責任者實際上常常逍遙法外。
- 清潔飲水和衛生設施狀況脆弱。 農村居民普遍只有基本的飲水安全服務; 環境水質良好的水體比例等沒有數據; 社區和使用者對水資源管理的參與程度低,而且隨著時間推移一些較高的指標也在降低。
- 經濟適用、清潔能源之路曲折。 能源的浪費和不足在不同地方和人群分別存在。 貧困弱勢人群尚未充分享受負擔得起的、可靠的現代能源服務。 可再生、清潔和安全能源的比例難以達標。
- 體面工作和就業狀況不容樂觀。 青年失業率衝上新高,殘障群體的就業一直阻礙重重,家政工不被承認為勞動者,“農民工”依舊缺少勞保、國內大廠的996現象和海外務工的工作條件等問題,凸顯體面勞動等勞工權利遙不可及。
- 小型工業和其他民營企業的各種不利處境制約了它們作出更多經濟和社會貢獻。 一些基礎設施的品質和可靠性、可持續性和具有抵禦災害能力堪憂。 資訊和通信技術的普及和創新,反過來又制約了民眾獲取資訊、表達觀點和自由流動。
- 不平等依然根深蒂固。 分配不平等並未形成穩定下降的趨勢。 城鄉內部和城鄉之間差異明顯,甚至有擴大。 一些政策和法律做法持續和強化著基於戶籍、年齡、性別、殘障、種族、族裔、宗教信仰、經濟地位等方面的區別,制約了所有人的權能提升和平等融入社會、參與經濟和政治生活。
- 城市和社區有諸多可持續隱患。 公眾沒有渠道參與城市和住區的規劃和管理,兒童、老年人和殘疾人在居住和出行方面的障礙和安全問題持續存在,婦女對公共空間的安全感的負面評價日益突出。 各種災害中弱勢群體常常付出更大代價。
- 消費和生產模式尚未實現根本轉型。 產能過剩和過度消費,繼續影響對自然資源的可持續管理和高效利用; 各個環節的糧食浪費依然嚴重; 新冠疫情以來大量使用一次性用品和外賣增加了化學品和垃圾,加大了對人類健康和環境的負面影響。
- 氣候行動存在缺陷。 應對氣候變化的承諾減弱,並且存在嚴重的性別盲視。 認識、應對氣候變化的各項措施和流程中,仍然處於技術主導的狀態,而很少從人,特別是婦女、青年、被邊緣化的社區和族群的經歷和視角來考慮。
- 海洋生態面臨新舊威脅。 各種污染,特別是陸上活動造成的污染,繼續破壞著海洋環境。 過度捕撈、非法、未報告和無管制的捕撈活動 、破壞性捕撈,以及其他魯莽行為,不僅影響本國海域,也蔓延到公海,影響了對海洋法的尊重。
- 陸地生態惡化仍未遏制。 一些地方的推林還耕現象令人憂慮。 在對自然資源的管理、防止入侵物種蔓延、遏制生物多樣性的喪失、恢復退化的土地和土壤方面,未充分考慮當地居民、特別是少數民族的經驗和需求。
- 和平、正義和負責任的機構可望不可及。 在預防和減少暴力、死亡,尤其是對兒童、殘障人士、婦女的一切形式的的暴力和酷刑方面,平等訴諸司法的機會方面,消除非歧視性法律、政策和做法和建設負責和透明的機構等方面,各種呼聲常被遏制。 民眾參與決策、獲取信息的管道非常受限。
- 負責任的全球夥伴關係仍待落實。 其中我們格外關注中國對外投資的環境和勞工權益議題,借款國家長期債務的可持續性問題和減輕其債務壓力的議題,以及在合作中真正增加發展中國家民眾的能力等議題。
有鑒於此,我們認為解決之道是在再分配、經濟、性別、氣候、環境方面進行變革性的轉換,縮小不平等,實現民眾的發展權。 我們呼籲國家強化政治意願,採取有效措施,加速實現2030年議程。 在此過程中,針對上述問題儘快尋求對策,並立即從以下方面入手:
- 確立具體目標、指標和措施。 中央和地方各級政府設定本級行政區域內具體的可持續發展目標,增加並拓展“可持續發展議程創新示範區”的內涵和數量。 建立可持續發展目標進程的監測評估機制,並確保公開透明,利於公眾了解及參與。
- 改善資訊搜集和傳播。 填補目前僅有半數目標能被監測的數據缺口,讓所有目標都至少有一半以上的指標能得到可靠的數據印證,並定期向全社會發佈各項指標的變化狀況。 鼓勵支持獨立的和民間的調查研究,在進展報告和志願國別評估中納入其發現。
- 增加參與管道和方式。 改變僅有工商業和科技行業參與的現狀,確保代表了有著內部多樣性的婦女、兒童和青年、土著社群、非政府組織、地方政府、工人及工會組織、農民群體,以及殘障群體、受流動影響的人群/流動人口及其家庭、性和性別少數、老年人等各個利益攸關方都能夠無障礙地充分而有意義的參與。
增强政治意愿 加速2030议程
- 不少人有返贫之忧。新冠疫情以来,低收入群体更加生计艰难。其他天灾人祸,让无数人失去家园、损失家产、耗尽家财。农村妇女在村民资格、责任田和宅基地、继承权、低保和其他社会保障方面维权艰难。
- “隐性饥饿”仍然存在。多达3亿的城乡人口受到影响,2022年我国0-3岁婴幼儿中,90%以上或多或少存在“营养隐性饥饿”问题。食物的品质、多样性及其营养指标尚未得到重视;
- 健康和福祉存在威胁。新冠疫情的遗患不明。农村老年和城乡青少年的健康服务、尤其是精神健康、性和生育健康服务,不合格疫苗后果的补救,孕产妇保健中对妇女本人身心健康的关注,都面临巨大缺口。
- 优质和包容的教育仍未能全覆盖。教育方式和教育内容严重制约了青少年的成长;户籍等制度性因素仍然影响着教育资源的分配,包括早期教育的机会,城乡之间、地区之间的教育公平,得到母语教育的权利。
- 性别平等乏善可陈。妇女参政缺位或仅为点缀。就业和收入的歧视持续。消除性别歧视的立法及其仍未达到我国加入的国际公约的标准;家庭暴力、性暴力和就业歧视的实施者和责任者实际上常常逍遥法外。
- 清洁饮水和卫生设施状况脆弱。农村居民普遍只有基本的饮水安全服务;环境水质良好的水体比例等没有数据;社区和用户对水资源管理的参与程度低,而且随着时间推移一些较高的指标也在降低。
- 经济适用、清洁能源之路曲折。能源的浪费和不足在不同地方和人群分别存在。贫困弱势人群尚未充分享受负担得起的、可靠的现代能源服务。可再生、清洁和安全能源的比例难以达标。
- 体面工作和就业状况不容乐观。青年失业率冲上新高,残障群体的就业一直阻碍重重,家政工不被承认为劳动者,“农民工”依旧缺少劳保、国内大厂的996现象和海外务工的工作条件等问题,凸显体面劳动等劳工权利遥不可及。
- 小型工业和其他民营企业的各种不利处境制约了它们作出更多经济和社会贡献。一些基础设施的质量和可靠性、可持续性和具有抵御灾害能力堪忧。信息和通信技术的普及和创新,反过来又制约了民众获取信息、表达观点和自由流动。
- 不平等依然根深蒂固。分配不平等并未形成稳定下降的趋势。城乡内部和城乡之间差异明显,甚至有扩大。一些政策和法律做法持续和强化着基于户籍、年龄、性别、残障、种族、族裔、宗教信仰、经济地位等方面的区别,制约了所有人的权能提升和平等融入社会、参与经济和政治生活。
- 城市和社区有诸多可持续隐患。公众没有渠道参与城市和住区的规划和管理,儿童、老年人和残疾人在居住和出行方面的障碍和安全问题持续存在,妇女对公共空间的安全感的负面评价日益突出。各种灾害中弱势群体常常付出更大代价。
- 消费和生产模式尚未实现根本转型。产能过剩和过度消费,继续影响对自然资源的可持续管理和高效利用;各个环节的粮食浪费依然严重;新冠疫情以来大量使用一次性用品和外卖增加了化学品和垃圾,加大了对人类健康和环境的负面影响。
- 气候行动存在缺陷。应对气候变化的承诺减弱,并且存在严重的性别盲视。认识、应对气候变化的各项措施和流程中,仍然处于技术主导的状态,而很少从人,特别是妇女、青年、被边缘化的社区和族群的经历和视角来考虑。
- 海洋生态面临新旧威胁。各种污染,特别是陆上活动造成的污染,继续破坏着海洋环境。过度捕捞、非法、未报告和无管制的捕捞活动、破坏性捕捞,以及其他魯莽行为,不仅影响本国海域,也蔓延到公海,影响了对海洋法的尊重。
- 陆地生态恶化仍未遏制。一些地方的推林还耕现象令人忧虑。在对自然资源的管理、防止入侵物种蔓延、遏制生物多样性的丧失、恢复退化的土地和土壤方面,未充分考虑当地居民、特别是少数民族的经验和需求。
- 和平、正义和负责任的机构可望不可及。在预防和减少暴力、死亡,尤其是对儿童、残障人士、妇女的一切形式的暴力和酷刑方面,平等诉诸司法的机会方面,消除非歧视性法律、政策和做法和建设负责和透明的机构等方面,各种呼声常被遏制。民众参与决策、获取信息的渠道非常受限。
- 负责任的全球伙伴关系仍待落实。其中我们格外关注中国对外投资的环境和劳工权益议题,借款国家长期债务的可持续性问题和减轻其债务压力的议题,以及在合作中真正增加发展中国家民众的能力等议题。
- 确立具体目标、指标和措施。中央和地方各级政府设定本级行政区域内具体的可持续发展目标,增加并拓展“可持续发展议程创新示范区”的内涵和数量。建立可持续发展目标进程的监测评估机制,并确保公开透明,利于公众了解及参与。
- 改善信息搜集和传播。填补目前仅有半数目标能被监测的数据缺口,让所有目标都至少有一半以上的指标能得到可靠的数据印证,并定期向全社会发布各项指标的变化状况。鼓励支持独立的和民间的调查研究,在进展报告和志愿国别评估中纳入其发现。
- 增加参与渠道和方式。改变仅有工商业和科技行业参与的现状,确保代表了有着内部多样性的妇女、儿童和青年、土著社群、非政府组织、地方政府、工人及工会组织、农民群体,以及残障群体、受流动影响的人群/流动人口及其家庭、性和性别少数、老年人等各个利益攸关方都能够无障碍地充分而有意义的参与。
Strengthen political will to accelerate the 2030 Agenda
Message from Civil Societyin China
The 2030 Agenda has reached the halfway point. We are encouraged by the progress, but we also see that the road to the goal remains long and tortuous.
We come from constituencies of women, children andyouth, indigenous communities, NGOs, farmers, and and stakeholders of people with disabilities,migrant workers, and LGBTQ communities in mainland China and Hong Kong.
We celebrate the achievement of reaching the goal of eradicating absolute poverty a decade ahead of schedule in 2020, and in September 2022 nearly half of the environmental indicators assessed were met ahead ofschedule, and other indicators including the proportion of children under five years of age who are stunted, the proportion ofthe population with easy access to public transport, the proportion of land degradation, and the Mountain Green Index.
However, from the perspective of equal participation in development decision-making and sharing of development outcomes, and based on first-hand information from our own life experience and on-the-ground work, as well asofficial and research data, we raise the following deep concerns:
- Poverty is returning. Since the pandemic, low-income groups' livelihoodshave become even more difficult. Other natural and man-made disasters havecaused countless people to lose their homes, property, and their wealth. Rural women had difficulty obtaining their rights in terms of villager qualifications, land tenure and homesteads, inheritance rights, subsistence allowances, and other welfare and social security.
- "Hidden hunger" remains. Nutritionin-imbalance affected as many as 300 million urban and rural populations, alarmingly about 90% of infants aged 0-3. The quality, diversity and nutritional indicators of food havenot been considered seriously.
- Health and well-being are under threat. The long-term effects of the coronavirus pandemic remain unknown. There are huge gaps in health services forthe low-income people, elderly and adolescents in rural areas, especially mental health, sexual and reproductive health services, remedy for the consequences of substandard vaccines, and attention to women's physical and mental health in maternal health care.
- Quality and inclusive education lag. Educational methods and educational content seriously undermine the growth of young people; institutional factors affect fair distribution of educational resources to early education, between urban and rural areas, between regions, and the right to mother tongueeducation.
- Gender equality is lackluster. Women are absent or window-dressed indecision-making. Gender gaps in employment and income persists if not expanded. Legislation and implementation to eliminate discrimination and violence against women still falls short of the standards of the international conventions as a state party.
- Clean water and sanitation are fragile. Rural residents generally haveonly basic drinking water safety services; there are no data on the proportionof water bodies with good environmental quality; the participation of communities and users in water resource management is low, and some indicators are decreasing over time.
- Commitment on affordability and clean energy is weakening. Energy waste and inadequacy exist in different placesand populations. The poor and vulnerable do not yet have adequate accessto affordable, reliable and modern energy services. The proportion of renewable, clean and safe energy is difficult to meet.
- Employment and decent work are not optimistic. Youth unemployment has soared to new highs, employment of disabledgroups has been hindered for long time, domestic workers are not recognized asworkers by law, "migrant workers" still lack job security and laborinsurance, the severe overtime work embodied in large companies, and theworking conditions of workers who dispatched to overseas, highlighting thatlabor rights such as decent work are out of reach.
- Industry, innovation, and infrastructures are facing challenges. The small-scale enterprises and other private enterprises have been constrained to realize their economic and social contribution. The quality andreliability, sustainability and resilience of some infrastructure are at risk. The spread and innovation of information and communication technologies has, inturn, constrained people's access to information, the expression of views and the free movment.
- Inequality remains entrenched. Distributive and redistributive inequality has not shown a steady downward trend. The differences within and between urban and rural areas are continuous and even widen. Policies and legal practices perpetuate and reinforce differences based on household registration,age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, religious belief, economic status,etc., restricting the empowerment and equal integration of all people intosociety, economic and political life.
- Sustainability of Citiesand communities undermined. There is no public access to the planning andmanagement of cities and settlements, barriers and safety issues in housing and mobility for children, the elderly and the disabled persist,and gender gaps of perception of security in public spaces is increasingly pronounced. Vulnerable groups always suffer most in disasters.
- Consumption and production patterns are worrisome. Overcapacity and overconsumption continue to affect the sustainable management and the efficient use of natural resources; food waste remains high at all levels; andthe heavy use of disposable items and takeaway since the pandemic has increased chemicals and waste, increasing the negative impact on human health and the environment.
- Climate action is flawed. Commitment to climate change wanes, and there is severe gender blindness. Measures and processes to recognize and address climate change remain technology-driven, with little consideration given to the experiences and perspectives of people, especially women, youth, and marginalized communities and ethnic groups.
- Marine faces threats. Pollution and interventions of all kinds, particularly from land-based activities, continues to damage themarine environment. Overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing,destructive fishing, as well as other reckless behaviors affect not only China's own waters but also the high seas, affecting respect for the law of thesea.
- Life on land remains vulnerable. In some places, the phenomenon of converting forests to cultivation is worrying. The experiences and needs of local populations, especially ethnic minorities, are not adequately taken into account in the management of naturalre sources, preventing the spread of invasive species, halting biodiversity loss, and restoring degraded lands and soils.
- Peace, just and accountableinstitutions are out of reach. Calls for the prevention and reduction ofviolence, death, especially against children, persons with disabilities, allforms of violence and torture against women, equal access to justice, the elimination of non-discriminatory laws, policies andpractices, and the development of accountable and transparent institutions are often silenced. Decisions about people are made without people. Access to information is very limited.
- Partnership for the SDGs crippled. We pay a special attention to the environmental and labor rights issues of China's overseas investment, the sustainability of the long-term debt of borrowing countries and the reduction of their debt pressure,and the real empowerment of people in developing countries in cooperation.
In view of this, we believe that the solution is a transformative shift in redistribution, economy, gender, climate and environment to reduce inequality and realize people's right to development. We call on the state to strengthen its political will, take concrete and effective measures to accelerate the pace of the 2030 Agenda. In this process, we urge the government to address the above challenges as soon as possible, and immediately takeaction in the following aspects:
- Establish specific targets, localize the indicators and meaningfulmeasures, in Central and local governments at all levels, increasing and expanding the connotation and number of "sustainable development agenda innovation demonstration zones". Establish mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating SDG processes and ensuretransparency, public awareness and participation.
- Improve information collection and dissemination. Fill the data gaps where only half of the targets can be monitored, so that at least half of the indicators of all targets can be confirmed by reliable data, and regularly disclose the status of various indicators to the public. Encourage and support independent research undertaken by academia and civil society, and incorporate their findings in progress reports and voluntary country reviews.
- Increase channels and ways to participate. Change the status quo where only constituencies of science and technology, and business are involved, ensuring that there are barrier-free and meaningful participation of all stakeholders, including women, children and youth, indigenous communities, non-governmental organizations, local governments, workers' and trade unions, farmers, as well as people withdisabilities, migrants and their families, sexual and gender minorities, and older persons, who are represented within their internal diversity.
We call up on a sound commitment toaccelerate efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, rights-based development for people, and development justice!

