The Russians are firing at themselves.

During Russia's escalation of military operations in Kharkiv region, there was an explosion in a residential building in Belgorod today.The entrance of a multi-storey building collapsed: dozens of people were injured, and there are also dead.It is highly probable that this could be a fallen FAB from a Russian airplane, which was on its way to attack Kharkiv, as it has happened many times before.Just in March-April of this year, Russian forces dropped over 20 bombs on Belgorod region and other regions.I also admit the possibility that this could have been a Russian provocation to justify the shelling of peaceful Ukrainian cities and increase escalation.Officially, Russian authorities said it were fragments from a shot down missile.As Russia started this offensive in the Kharkiv direction, it was obvious that shelling would be intensified in this area. But the Kremlin does not care about the lives of both Ukrainians and its own population. Currently, everyone in the Kremlin is busy dividing up government portfolios. None of them will go to Belgorod. The longer the war lasts, the more there will be such destroyed houses, dead civilians on both sides. The murderers and terrorists are those who started and are waging this criminal war. The main murderer is Putin.
I will add images generated by AI from myself.


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