法语学习笔记|150个A开头单词 (初阶)
- à carreaux =checked
- à fleurs =flowered
- à la campagne =in the country
- à la mer =by the sea
- à la montagne =in the mountains
- à la plage =at the beach
- à midi =at noon
- à minuit =at midnight
- à peine =hardly
- à plis =pleated
- à pois =polka-dotted
- à rayures =striped
- à volants =flounced
- abonner à (s’) = to subscribe to
- accepter =to accept
- accès haut-débit (m.) =high-speed access
- accessoire (m.) =accessory, stage prop
- accompagner =to accompany
- accomplir =to accomplish
- accorder =to grant
- accroupir (s’) =to squat, to crouch
- accueillir =to welcome
- accusé(e) (m./f.) = accused (person)
- acheter =to buy
- achever =to complete
- acquérir =to acquire
- acteur, actrice (m./f.)= actor, actress
- actuel(le)= present, present day
- actuellement =currently
- addition =(f.) bill
- administrateur, administratrice de site (m./f.) =webmaster
- ADN =(m.) DNA
- adoucir =to soften, to mellow
- adresse IP (f.) =Internet protocol address
- adresse URL (f.) =URL
- affaires (f.pl.) =business
- affiche (f.) =poster
- affirmer =to say, to claim
- agence de voyages (f.)= travel agency
- agrandir =to enlarge
- agréable =pleasant
- agression (f.) =mugging, assault
- aimer =to like, to love
- ainsi =thus
- ajouter =to add
- allemand (m.) =German
- aller =to go
- allumer =to turn on
- alors que =while, whereas
- améliorer =to improve
- amende (f.) fine
- amer, amère =bitter
- amusant =funny
- analyser =to analyze
- ancêtre (m./f.) =ancestor
- anglais (m.) =English
- anniversaire (m.) =birthday
- annoncer =to announce
- annuler =to cancel
- antiquaire (m./f.) =antiques dealer
- apercevoir =to see, to perceive
- apercevoir (s’) =to realize
- appareil (m.) =(still) camera, device
- appeler =to call
- applaudir =to applaud
- apprécier =to value
- apprendre =to learn
- après que =after
- aquarelle =(f.) watercolor
- arabe (m.) =Arabic
- argent (m.) =money
- armoire (f.) =wardrobe, cupboard
- armoire à pharmacie (f.) =medicine cabinet
- arracher =to pull out
- arrêter =to arrest
- arriver =to arrive
- arriver sur les lieux du crime =to arrive at the crime scene
- artisan(e) (m./f.) =craftsman, craftswoman
- ascenseur (m.) =elevator
- assaisonner =to season
- assister =to attend
- assurer =to ensure, to maintain
- attendre =to wait
- attentat (m.) =terrorist attack
- atterrir =to land
- attraper =to catch
- aube (f.)= dawn
- augmentation de salaire (f.) =salary increase
- augmenter =to increase
- aujourd’hui =today
- aussitôt que =as soon as
- autobus (m.) =bus
- autoroutes de l’information (f.pl.)= information highways
- autrefois= formerly
- avancer =to advance
- avenir (m.)= future
- aventure (f.) =adventure
- avion (m.) =plane
- avoir =to have
100.avoir (trente-cinq) ans =to be (thirty-five) years old
101.avoir besoin =to need
102.avoir chaud = to be hot
103.avoir de la chance =to be lucky
104.avoir envie= to feel like
105.avoir faim =to be hungry
106.avoir froid =to be cold
107.avoir honte =to be ashamed
108.avoir l’air =to seem, to look
109.avoir la grippe =to have the flu
110.avoir mal =to hurt, to have pain
111.avoir mal à la tête =to have a headache
112.avoir mal au dos =to have a backache
113.avoir mal au ventre =to have a stomachache
114.avoir peur =to be afraid
115.avoir raison =to be right
116.avoir soif =to be thirsty
117.avoir tort =to be wrong
118.avoir un rhume= to have a cold
119.avouer =to confess
120.abasourdir =to stun
121.aborder =to land 着陆 🌰aborder une question 开始讨论一个问题
122.absurdité(f.) =absurdity
123.abus(m.) =abuse
124.accouchement(m.) =childbirth, labor
125.affiche(f.) =poster
126.agraire =agricultural, agrarian
127.aire(f.) =area
128.aise(f.) =ease 🌰 to be at ease
129.alcoolisme =grande consommation d’alcool, alcoholism
130.Algérien(ne) =Algerian
131.Allure(f.) =speed 🌰avoir de l’allure to be elegant
132. amérindien(m.) =Native American
133.amour-propre(m.) =ego
134.ancestral(e)/ ancestraux =ancestral
135.ancrer =to anchor, retenir un bateau au moyen d’une ancre
136.angoisse(f.) =anxiety
137.Arène(f.)= arena, amphitheatre
138.asphyxie(f.) = suffocation 窒息 🌰 mourir d’asphyxie
139.assourdir =to be deafen 🌰 to muffle= assourdir moins bruyant
140.atteindre =to reach, or get to 🌰 atteindre le but
141.atteinte(f) =reach 🌰hors de mon atteinte
142.attente(f.)= wait 🌰un heur d’attente
143.attestation(f.) =documentation, certificate
144.au-devant =towards
145.Auprès =near
146.autonome = (person/country) independent
147.autonomie =(车、船、飞机等的)最大行程, 续航时间
148.autoriser to authorize, permettre de
149.Autoritarisme(m.) =authoritarianism,caractère d’un gouvernement
150.Autosuffisant =self sufficient

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