| Years Ago Today | I Have a Thing Worse than Sleepwalking

Happened 3 Years Ago From Today. I Call it Sleepworking.


Somehow I never used this in that blog, well, I never wrote up anything about that trip. I sleepwork, but I am lazy.<wordtune-highlights-root><wordtune-scrollable style="direction: ltr; font: 400 13px / 14.95px Menlo; font-feature-settings: normal; font-kerning: auto; hyphens: manual; letter-spacing: normal; margin: 0px 0px 0px -304.19px; padding: 0px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none solid rgb(179, 179, 179); text-indent: 0px; text-rendering: auto; text-transform: none; transform: none; transform-origin: 304.19px 15px; unicode-bidi: normal; white-space: pre-wrap; word-spacing: 0px; overflow-wrap: break-word; writing-mode: horizontal-tb; zoom: 1; -webkit-locale: "zh-Hant"; -webkit-rtl-ordering: logical; width: 608px; height: 32px;"><wordtune-extension-highlights><wordtune-portal>

Gosh I was making this at 4 in the morning. I DO NOT remember doing it at all. Guess my insomnia gets more intense.

Managed to sleep for couple hours and Jaydon woke me up a minute before my phone rang. Did not pick up. With a world record speed I checked all outboxes and drafts on all mail apps among my devices.

I have a thing worse than sleepwalking (I do not sleep walk though). I could easily draft an email or a mobile text while I am either drunk / stoned / extremely tired. My record is a 10-page on Word (with default at Calibri font 12, double spaced).

Yes, Word, Microsoft Word. I can even pull in attachments when I am not me myself.

Safe! Did not send out anything embarrassing.

Well back to the point, this is my October 2018 getaway I was trying to make for my blog. Fukuoka-Kirishima-Kamegaoka.

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根叔|gunshock⎡邊緣回望後,滑進一界混沌,從不掙扎。跟自己的過去過不去,執著地浮沉著。⎦ Still hope/to hand stitch my book/of ups & downs on a tightrope./No plan to elope/coz it just chokes.
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