2019 回顧怎麼做?日記 app + 療癒電子報推薦
自從今年開始接觸 OKR 的觀念後,發現不只對公司組織管理有啟發,對於個人也是一個很好用的思維工具。(因為這篇重點不是 OKR,我就不詳細介紹定義了)簡單說,就是把「大目標」和「關鍵成果」的關係拉出來。
套用在自己身上的話,可以劃分短、中、長時間段,去想比如我 3 年後要達成某個目標,到推回最近 6 個月、1 年後、2 年後,各應該達到什麼「關鍵成果」。甚至可以依此再細分到每週要投入幾小時,以確保能達成階段性目標。
接下來介紹一下最近用的日記 app。臉書社群太公開了,Instagram 上又太不貼近真實生活了,有沒有產品符合能輕鬆幫自己留下生活紀錄,又適合分享給朋友看自己心情的需求呢?就是曾獲 App Store 推薦、還曾衝上「生活風格」排行榜第一的 MOODA 。
介面簡單可愛,只要按底下的+號就可以選擇你的心情符號,寫一兩段你的想法,日記就完成了,你的每個真實心情都會好好排列蒐集起來。任何的情緒與波動都值得被記錄(當然想刪掉某塊回憶也行),我個人用了一個月的感想,是覺得有時我的微妙心情,可能選項裡也找不到貼切的對應哈哈哈,所以我有好多天都選了 calm。

如果你沒有這種能深刻談心的朋友也沒關係,電子報 Tiny Spells 會協助你一步步的更關注自我內心狀態。
Tiny Spells 內文主要分兩部分,給你的生活一些有趣的小任務。
Find a way to help someone else today. Anyone else. In any way. I think we are more connected than ever. But that doesn’t necessarily mean we connect more than ever. Today, find a way to touch someone’s life by helping them out.
Eat three proper meals, and give yourself the fuel your body needs. I know when times are tough, even thinking about eating can be hard. But your body can’t keep on going without sustenance.
Realise how many dead plants you have been watering. If you have given someone all you can give, and you know that they still ain’t texting you back, remember that it’s okay to step away. You don’t have to keep caring for a relationship that somebody else wants to let die.
Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for that thing you said. Or that thing you forgot to say. That thing you did. Or whatever you’ve been avoiding. Forgive yourself, and remember this.
如果你不知道 2019 回顧要寫什麼,我很推薦你們可以從下面這些回答(或直接訂他們的電子報)。
Ask yourself this. Are your expectations of the people you love reasonable today? Everyone struggles, and everyone has a hard time. Maybe just check in with the expectations you have, and ask if they’re fair, ask if they’re reasonable, and if people aren’t meeting them — maybe give them the benefit of the doubt, and find out why.
Is there someone, something or somewhere in your life that gives you butterflies? That wonderful, uncertain sense of excitement and nervous joy? Scribble a few short lines about it right now.
Write down your favourite comfort food, where to buy it, how to prepare it, and how you like to eat it. And no, this is not an exercise in guilt. It’s an exercise in pausing to commemorate something that makes you feel warm inside!