英文詩// Out Where the West Begins - by Author Chapman


多年前曾到美國西岸旅遊,這明信片是在拉斯維加斯的一間紀念品店內買的。我很喜歡卡上的詩詞。比起在家天天無所事事,人到了外地時總是變得大膽,對所有事都感到很好奇,亦可以不害羞地嘗試各項新奇的玩意(可能是不用怕被人認得吧)。我不敢說在家還是在外的那一個「我」才是真正的我,但我肯定的,是我很想念那無憂無慮,到處逍遙的自己。或者是西方陌生的環境,反而給了我一份勇氣去挑戰自己。 在美國,我遇上許多不可能的事,看到了許多壯觀的風景,感激這些難忘的回憶,成就了今天的我。

I got this postcard during a trip to Las Vegas. That was an amazing journey to the west of the United States when all the impossibles became possible. Grand Canyon, Vegas Strip, Golden Gate Bridge, Hollywood Walk… Everything I didn’t imagine I would see appear in front of me. And then *boof* gone. Out where the west, I’ve seen the impossibles. Out where the west, I’ve met the unforgettables. Out where the west, where my seeds of dream lie.

Out Where the West Begins,

by Author Chapman

Out where the handclasp’s a little stronger,

Out where the smile dwells a little longer,That’s where the West begins;

Out where the sun is a little brighter,

Where the snows that fall are a trifle whiter,

Where the bonds of home are a wee bit tighter,That’s where the West begins.

Out where the skies are a trifle bluer,

Out where the friendship’s a little truer,That’s where the West begins;

Out where a fresher breeze is blowing,

Where there’s laughter in every streamlet flowing,

Where there’s more of reaping and less of sowing,That’s where the West begins.

Out where the world is in the making,

Where fewer hearts in despair are aching,That’s where the West begins.

Where there’s more of singing and less of sighing,

Where there’s more of giving and less of buying,

Where a man makes a friend without half trying,That’s where the West begins.

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