每周3-2-1: 多方嘗試、不斷精進,總能更快達到目的
3-2-1: Moving fast, solving problems, and the various ways to succeed
3 Ideas From Me
I. The most important battles must be fought anew each day. 最重要的戰鬥必須每天重新進行。 Exercising today does not render tomorrow's workout unnecessary. 今天鍛煉並不會使明天的鍛煉變得不必要。 Supporting your spouse today does not mean you can mail it in tomorrow. 今天支持你的配偶並不意味著你可以在明天不理她。(這邊不確定翻譯對不對! mail it in?!) Learn to love the endless nature of things and life gets easier. 學會愛事物的無盡本質,生活變得更輕鬆。
睡一覺,滿血上場,但每天要面對的都是不同的關卡與挑戰。生命就是個無限遊戲,Game On....
II. As far as life philosophies go, "The right time is right now" isn't a bad one. Most of us would benefit from a greater bias toward action. 就人生哲學而言,“正確的時間就是現在”,這並不是一個壞的主意。我們大多數人都會受益於偏好於行動。 If you move fast, you can try more things. And if you try more things, you're likely to find something that works for you. 如果你動作快,你可以嘗試更多的東西。如果你嘗試更多的東西,你很可能會找到適合你的東西。
問小孩,你喜歡甚麼? 通常答案是她當下正在做的事,或是相對不需要花費腦力的娛樂。
III. Remove the branches of a thorn bush today and you'll avoid a scrape this year. 今天去掉荊棘的樹枝,今年你就可以避免刮傷了。 But next year, you'll face the same problem again. 但明年,你將再次面臨同樣的問題。 Remove the root of the bush today, and the entire plant will die. 今天拔掉灌木的根,整株植物都會死掉。 Are you solving problems at the branch level or the root level? 您是在解決表面問題還是根本問題?
2 Quotes From Others
I. Novelist Doris Lessing on the various ways to succeed: 小說家多麗絲·萊辛,談成功的各種方式: We all of us have limited amounts of energy, and I am sure the people who are successful have learned, either by instinct or consciously, to use their energies well instead of spilling them about. 我們所有人的精力都是有限的,我相信成功的人都出自本能或有意識地學會了要善用他們的能量,而不是四處散播。 And this has to be different for every person, writers or otherwise. 對於每個人,作家或其他人來說,這必須有所不同。 I know writers who go to parties every night and then, recharged instead of depleted, happily write all day. 我認識的作家每晚都去參加聚會,然後充電而不是耗盡精力,整天愉快地寫作。 But if I stay up half the night talking, I don’t do so well the next day. 但是如果我熬夜說話,第二天我的表現就不會那麼好了。 Some writers like to start work as soon as they can in the morning, while others like the night or—for me almost impossible—the afternoons. 一些作家喜歡在早上盡快開始工作,而另一些作家則喜歡晚上或者——對我來說幾乎不可能的下午。 Trial and error, and then when you’ve found your needs, what feeds you, what is your instinctive rhythm and routine, then cherish it." 嘗試和錯誤,然後當你找到你的需求、是什麼養活了你、你本能的節奏和慣例是什麼,然後珍惜它 Source: Walking in the Shade
每個人的生理、心理結構都不同,有夜貓子也有白日鷹。 找到適合自己的節奏,讓自己最舒服的狀態就是好狀態。 別看那些報導成功的人一天只睡四個小時,就以為要成功就得要只睡四個小時。倒果為因是最大的錯誤!
II. Husband and wife combo, Benjamin Zander, a longtime conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, and Rosamund Zander, a family therapist, on the power of point of view: 夫妻組合,波士頓愛樂樂團的長期指揮本傑明·贊德和家庭治療師羅莎蒙德·贊德,關於觀點的力量: “Every problem, every dilemma, every dead end we find ourselves facing in life, only appears unsolvable inside a particular frame or point of view. 我們發現自己在生活中面臨的每一個問題、每一個困境、每一個死胡同,都只會在特定的框架或觀點中顯得無法解決。 Enlarge the box, or create another frame around the data, and problems vanish, while new opportunities appear.” 擴大範圍,或圍繞著數據創建另一個框架,問題消失,而新機會出現 Source: The Art of Possibility
常言道,當你手上有榔頭的時候,看甚麼都像釘子。 因此,偶爾把榔頭放下,換不同的工具與視角,看同樣的問題或許就會有不同的想法。
1 Question For You
How can I accomplish my goals as fast as possible at a high quality? 我怎樣才能以高質量的方式盡快完成我的目標?
借鏡程式設計的概念! 很多複雜的程式,是由許多不斷完善、可重複使用、可組合使用的小模組我構成的。
有要高質量,又要快! 我想得到的是把目標拆解,把重複類似的組合在一起,並把可以重複使用的技能或工具,逐步優化,打包成一個模組(或工具箱)。以後要挑戰新的目標,就從那模組工具箱內組合,這樣就可以又快又好。
你有甚麼想法或作法? 歡迎留言分享 😁