圣经:北方王俄罗斯普京,南方王乌克兰泽连斯基Bible: Russia, King of the North, Ukraine, King of the South
圣经预言:北方王俄罗斯普京,南方王乌克兰泽连斯基,基提战船土耳其军舰,圣约伊核协议,七头十角海兽苏俄,地兽中国,淫妇巴比伦北京,兽印崇拜独裁者支持二维码监控,假先知伊朗哈梅内伊,龙中国独裁者.Bible: Russia, King of the North, Ukraine, King of the South, Chittim Warship, Turkish Warship, 7year Covenant, Iran Nuclear Agreement, Seven-headed and Ten-horned Sea Beast Soviet Russia, Earth Beast China, Whore Beijing, Mark of the Beast, QR Code, False Prophet Iran, dragon Chinese dictator.
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