Pi Network 首頁已更新, Core Team Nicolas Kokkalis,Ph.D.回答有關Pi錢包(Pi Wallet)的一些問題。附上Pi錢包申請方法


今天!Pi Network 首頁已更新,Pi Network Core Team 首頁已更新,Nicolas Kokkalis,Ph.D.回答有關Pi錢包(Pi Wallet)的一些問題。如果需要字幕,可以開啟影片後點右下角選擇你需要的字幕。



Hi Pioneers!Today, I want answer some questions about the Pi Wallet.

嗨,先鋒們! 今天,我想回答有關Pi錢包的一些問題。

Q: Is Pi Wallet a custodial or non-custodial wallet?


A: Pi Wallet is a non-custodial wallet, meaning only you have access to your Passphrase of your wallet


Q: When will the Pi Wallet have the real Pi inside?


A: It will have it when Pi Mainnet is live.We aim to launch the Mainnet by the end of this year.

答:Pi 主網上線時。 我們的目標是在今年年底前上主網。

Q: Can I recover or reset my Passphrase if I did not save or lost it?


A: No.Typically this is not possible for non-custodial wallets, since no one else has your passphrase.So, keep your Passphrase safe and do not share with others.The Core Team is also working on a potential new mechanism utilizing your security circles to help with account recovery while maintaining the wallet as non-custodial.

答:不可以。 通常,這對於非託管錢包是不可能的,因為沒有其他人擁有您的助記詞。 因此,請確保您的助記詞安全,不要與他人共享。 核心團隊也正在利用您的安全圈開發一種潛在的新機制在將錢包保持為非託管狀態的同時,幫助進行帳戶恢復。

Q: I forgot my Passphrase to the wallet I recently created.Is it possible to create another wallet?

問:我忘記了我最近創建的錢包的助記詞。 是否可以創建另一個錢包?

A:Yes.Create another wallet for now and make sure that you keep your Passphrase safe next time.The wallets currently only connect to the Testnet, only containing Test-Pi for testing,thus no real loss for you.

But after the Mainnet, losing the Passphrase to your wallet with real Pi cannot be cured by creating another wallet like now and will result in you losing access to all the Pi in that wallet forever.

A:可以。 現在創建另一個錢包,並確保下次確保助記詞安全。 錢包目前僅連接到Testnet,僅包含Test-Pi進行測試,因此對您來說沒有真正的損失。 但是在主網之後,無法通過像現在這樣創建另一個錢包來解決使用真實Pi丟失助記詞到您的錢包的問題,這將導致您永遠無法訪問該錢包中的所有Pi。

Q: I accidentally shared my passphrase with others. What should I do?

問:我不小心與他人分享了我的助記詞。 我應該怎麼辦?

A: You should create a new wallet with a new passphrase and stop using the compromised one.Since we are in the testing phase right now, it's ok to create a new wallet.In the Mainnet phase you should immediately create a new wallet and transfer all your Pi to that new wallet, before others do.

答:您應該使用新的助記詞創建一個新的錢包,並停止使用被盜用的那個錢包。 由於我們目前處於測試階段,因此可以創建一個新的錢包。 在主網(Mainnet)階段,您應該立即創建一個新的錢包並將所有Pi轉移到該新的錢包,然後再進行其他操作。

Q: Does the Pi Wallet provide a custodial option, storing the Passphrase for Pioneers on the server?


A: No. Not for now.


Q:Will the Pi Wallet have a custodial option in the future?


A: We may develop an optional custodial wallet in the future only if enough Pioneers show interest in this feature.So please let us know if that's what you want to see happening.

答:我們將來可能開發可選的託管錢包,只有在有足夠的先鋒對這個功能感興趣的情況下。 因此,請讓我們知道您是否希望看到這種情況。

Q: Can I use other wallets?


A: Yes.Pi Testnet and Mainnet is and will be a public blockchain, thus any wallet compatible with the blockchain of Pi can work.Pi is fully accessible not only in your Pi Wallet but also any other Pi compatible wallet.However, the official Pi wallet is where you will get your Mainnet Pi when we launch.You can afterwards transfer it to other wallets if you want.

答:可以。 Pi 測試網(Testnet)和主網(Mainnet)是並且將是一個公共區塊鏈,因此任何與Pi區塊鏈兼容的錢包都可以使用。 Pi不僅可以在您的Pi錢包中使用,而且可以在任何其他與Pi兼容的錢包中使用。 但是,在主網(Mainnet)正式發佈時,您可以從官方Pi錢包獲得 Pi。 之後,您可以根據需要將其轉移到其他錢包。

Q: Is the Pi Wallet following standards or did we make up our own?


A: It is following standards. It is based on the BIP39 and BIP44 standards.In general, there is a rule in cryptography stating that you should not make up your “own”crypto and should only use widely-accepted, peer-reviewed algorithms and standards. And that's what we do.

答:它遵循以下標準。 它基於BIP39和BIP44標準。 通常,密碼學中有一條規則規定,您不應組成“自己”的加密貨幣而應僅使用廣泛接受的,經過同行評審的算法和標準。 這就是我們要做的。

Q: Why are there transaction fees?


A: Transaction fees (i) avoid spamming the blockchain with useless transactions, and (ii)allow for transaction ordering during times of network congestion.


Q: How much is the transaction fee?


A: The current transaction fee on the Testnet is 0.01 Test-π.When you set a higher fee for your transaction, you still pay only 0.01, unless there is congestion,in which case transactions with higher fees are executed before transactions with lower fees .

答:測試網(Testnet)上的當前交易費用為0.01Test-π。 當您為交易設置更高的費用時,除非出現擁堵,否則您仍然只需支付0.01,在這種情況下,費用較高的交易會先執行費用較低的交易。

Q: Where do transaction fees go and what are they used for?


A: All fees are currently simply getting burnt, by being accumulated in an inaccessible pool of burnt Pi.However in the future, fees could be used for things such as mining rewards instead of minting new currency,or other purposes for the benefit of the community.

答:目前,所有交易費用都只是被累積在一個無法訪問的被銷毀的Pi池中而被銷毀了。 但是在將來,費用可能會用於諸如採礦獎勵之類的事情,而不是鑄造新的貨幣,或其他目的,以造福社區。

Q: Will passphrases stay the same after the launch of the Mainnet?


A: For your convenience, we aim for wallet passphrases to stay the same so that people don't have to create them twice.So we urge you to get Mainnet-ready and create your wallets now.However there is a chance, for technical improvement reasons, we may have to ask you to reset your passphrases before Mainnet.

答:為方便起見,我們的目標是使錢包助記詞保持不變,以使人們不必重複創建它們。 因此,我們敦促您準備好主網(Mainnet),並立即創建您的錢包。


Q: Will my wallet address be the same on the Mainnet and Testnet?


A: This has not been decided yet.Technically either way is possible, but we need to consider the pros and cons.Well, that's it for now. Let us know you have more questions.

答:這尚未決定。 從技術上講,這兩種方法都是可行的,但我們需要考慮其優缺點。 好了,今天就到這兒。 讓我們知道您有更多的問題。


 iOS系統手機,請通過蘋果App應用商店,搜索Pi Browser下載!



 開始建錢包!  !  !  !  !  !


 (1)讓複製助記詞的時候,最重要的一步,就是點了複製了之後不要繼續操作下去了,系統內停止操作,而是回到手機主頁找到便籤或備忘錄的增加筆記裡,把複製的助記詞保存在便簽、備忘錄和收藏保存好後,再回到錢包裡繼續註冊!  ! 切記!

 (2)助記詞比銀行密碼都重要,丟了,你錢包所有資產都沒有了! 助記詞要務必多保存幾個地方,一定一定要手抄無誤保存一份! 不要去找影印舖用手機輸出檔案方式進行影印,有機會外洩! 切記!

 (3)舊手機沒有 面形/指紋 功能的跳過設置

以上建錢包步驟就結束了! 建好了,想測試轉賬的可以按下面教程操作測試轉賬!



如果您還未加入Pi Network ,請立即加入!與我們一起創造一個屬於所有人的區塊鏈項目!大約八個月後在2021年年底,Pi 主網將會上線,免費賺取Pi的機會很快消失!

Pi Network 創辦人兼技术主管 Nicolas Kokkalis博士長期堅信加密貨幣的技術、金融和社會潛力,但對其目前的局限性感到沮喪。及致力於將區塊鏈的力量帶給更多的人,改善當前的體驗,為大家創造價值。

Nicolas Kokkalis博士說:「目前的成果是Pi Network,這是一個新的貨幣和點對點網絡,目前已在150多個國家和30多種語言中運行。 Pi Network是我100%的職業承諾,而我的愛妻和兒子則佔據了我100%的個人承諾。」
Invitation code: kyle2051

Pi Network app可以在Android的PlayStore或Apple的App Store中搜索:PI NETWORK,免費下載,或通過以下連結下載 Invitation code: kyle2051

iOS:https : //apps.apple.com/us/app/pi-network/id1445472541

Androidhttps : //play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.blockchainvault

如果需要代碼,可以請輸入 kyle2051 加入我的Team (用此代碼在第4天後,加速25%) ,你可以在我的Team聊天室與我聯繫!

提示:您無需將應用Pi app保持打開狀態,Pi不會影響手機性能或消耗電池電量或使用網絡數據。按下閃電按鈕後,您甚至可以關閉該應用程序,您將繼續挖掘Pi。Pi的開採每24小時將停止,再次按下⚡️閃電按鈕一次,每天重複一次,直到分發結束為止

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kyle2051加入Pi Network 區塊鏈革命!「我們不是在賺錢。我們真的想改變世界,重塑金融體系。我們在Pi Network 這裡實現分散式加密貨幣的最終理想。」PlayStore或AppStore可以搜尋Pi Network下載. 邀請碼為kyle2051。
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