欧美却丝毫不了解中共 。(呵呵,就支那人的生活,除了吃喝就是交配。中国没有历史,只有对过去的重复)
The Chinese are severely punished for the fecundity by the insensitive economic machine.
“The Chinese are incapable of being trained to think logically and that they specifically have no talent for mathematics.”
“I noticed how little difference there is between men and women; I don’t understand what kind of fatal attraction Chinese women possess which enthralls the corresponding men to such an extent that they are incapable of defending themselves against the formidable blessing of offspring.”
”industrious, filthy, obtuse people.”
“Chinese don’t sit on benches while eating but squat like Europeans do when they relieve themselves out in the leafy woods. All this occurs quietly and demurely. Even the children are spiritless and look obtuse.”
“It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us, the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”
“barbaric for our taste,”
“swarming with pedestrians.”
“In the air there is a stench of never-ending manifold variety.”
“Even those reduced to working like horses never give the impression of conscious suffering. A peculiar herd-like nation,”
“often more like automatons than people.
中国这贫富差距,6亿人月薪1千,上海汤臣一品普通公寓1.7亿人民币一套。996,没工资,拼命加班,不给加班费,没劳动法。 深圳 农民房东收房租一个月收70万,比上市公司高管工资还高。(呵呵,中国人除了会内卷还会啥,自作孽怪别人,典型的贱畜)

@湖南青年 自己一口一个支那人,一口一个支那小粉红穷逼。呵呵,就这样的玩意还有脸说爱“中国”,你寄吧谁啊。