the GG show 第七集:Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country - 🇧🇿 Belize & Vietnam 🇻🇳 (下集)
Episode 07 in the GG show on Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country - Belize & Vietnam part2
請大家多多支持和鼓勵訂閱這一份電子報:每一天的生活 Daily Michelle
Podcast hosting: Firstory
基本上Ms. GG一開始在設計要做這一個Podcast的時候,就已經設想她絕對不想要做剪輯的這一份工作,因為要剪輯就要每一個過程環節都要確認之後,才決定這裡要怎樣剪,那裡要如何剪,意思就是說認為我還要花double的時間來處理這後段收尾的工作,如果Ms. GG真的要要求到那一個地步的話,應該會逼此自己雇用一個全職或接案的剪接師吧;所以Ms. GG主動放棄,一期一會,人生就這樣一次,錄過就不重來,隨緣!卡彈,可以接受!靜默、尷尬,忘詞,這就是人生。後來,應該就是開始至少要求音質,Ms. GG也確實是如此感受,畢竟音質是所有閱聽人要入門或者是要求的,所以才轉到OnMic Studio去錄音,再者頂多加個片頭入場音樂,還有收尾,有時候會有精彩預告的剪接,但應該也算是可遇不可求就是了。總而言之,這一件事情是起碼,包含錄音,三個小時是基本,以上是跑不掉的。
上集:請點選這裡過去 (don’t miss part 1 of this episode)
In the previous part 1, we have Lika and Karin from Belize, Tuan Hung from Vietnam to give us a broad review of the current status of the Covid-10 pandemic in their home country, especially they provided us the local media reports to guide us from around March to May. For certain conditions, some of them have experienced before they came to Taiwan, so what we are experiencing in Taiwan now may not be so different to them. One thing we all anticipate is the Vaccine, and what may worry is the options of choices and also the roll-out plan. In this part 2, we will continue to listen to their sayings.
這下半段,我們比較集中在討論疫苗,包含了在貝里斯 (Belize) 和在越南 (Vietnam),各有不同的疫苗規劃,包含疫苗的爭取,到優先順序,以及如何進行施打!同時,也嘗試的詢問,當地社區藥局的功能,和如果由社區藥局 (藥師) 來做疫苗施種的假設,他們是怎樣的想法?

Government work:
For vaccination:
Severity of COVID 19 spreading
1.) - 3 COVID-19 Deaths Recorded in 2 Days
2.) - Belize Confirms First Case Of UK Variant Of COVID-19 In Member Of BATSUB
3.) - Outbreak of COVID-19 at Princess Casino
Government's Act & Strategy to Flatten Curve
1.) - PAHO/WHO Belize Response to COVID-19 (January - August 2020)
2.) - 3 Frontliners Are First To Get Jab
3.) - Belize Places Temporary Ban on Visit to India and Bangladesh
We would like to know how do you feel about this episode! Should there be any comments or suggestions, we are happy to receive them. Thank you.
主持人Host:Ms. GG
邀請貴賓Inivted Guests:Lila, Karina, Tuan Hung
錄製日期時間Rocording Date/Time:2021.05.22 下午 12:00 ~ 13:30pm
訪問大綱 Interview Guide:
01. Could you please introduce yourself and where you from?
02. For the past year, where were you? what did you do? and what happened to this world? how did you feel?
03. How is the situation now in your mother country? could you please briefly take us to your country's story from when Covid-19's first strike, what did it do?
04. Please provide THREE news reports (better in English if possible and you may briefly tell the audience what the news report about in the recording) about the severity of Covid-19 spreading in your home country.
- it would be very appreciated if you could provide these news reports to the host before the recording.
05. Please provide THREE news reports (better in English if possible) about how the government's act and strategy to flatten the curve.
- it would be very appreciated if you could provide these news reports to the host before the recording.
06. Specifically on the Vaccination Roll-out, please tell us what is the ongoing plan in your home country.
錄音編輯後製Editing:Medusa (我其實也很懷疑牠是怎樣摸出來的XD)
音樂版權Music Authorization:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa -