【推文】Logan Lancing - Cults are defined more by what they DO than what they BELIEVE
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People often stumble when trying to wrap their heads around what a cult is. Cults are defined more by what they DO than what they BELIEVE.
Understanding this distinction is crucial.
Cults are fundamentally more about their actions and the methods they use to enforce their beliefs than the beliefs themselves. It's the practices, the strict adherence to doctrine, and the enforcement mechanisms that set them apart from weird or whacky groups and communities.
We live in a world full of weird and wacky ideas. People believe in all sorts of things. But merely holding unusual or fringe beliefs doesn't necessarily make a group a cult.
Robert Jay Lifton, in his seminal work "Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism," provides valuable insights into how cults operate. He outlines specific mechanisms they use to exert control over their members' minds and actions.
羅伯特·傑伊·利夫頓(Robert Jay Lifton)在他的開創性作品《思想改革與總體心理學》(Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism)中,對邪教是如何運作的提供了寶貴的洞見。他概述了邪教為控制其成員的思想和行動而使用的具體機制。
One key aspect Lifton describes is "Milieu Control." This involves controlling the environment and all forms of communication, effectively isolating members from the outside world. This isolation strengthens the group's influence and weakens external perspectives.
利夫頓描述的一個關鍵方面是「環境控制」(Milieu Control)。這涉及控制環境和所有形式的溝通,有效地將成員與外部世界隔離。這種隔離增強了團體對成員的影響力,並削弱了外部觀點的影響。
Cults often employ "Loaded Language" to constrict thinking. They use specialized jargon and clichés that simplify complex issues into brief, definitive-sounding phrases. This language discourages thinking and creates barriers between members and outsiders.
邪教經常使用「帶荷語言/既定觀點詞語」(Loaded Language)來限制思考。他們使用專業術語和老套的短語,將複雜的問題簡化為聽起來簡潔而確定的短語。這種語言阻礙思考,並在成員和局外人之間創造障礙。
Cults also enforce a "Demand for Purity." Cults create an us-vs-them mentality by pressuring members to conform to an unattainable ideal of purity. This creates guilt and shame, making members more submissive and dependent on the group for redemption.
邪教還強行推行「純潔的要求」(Demand for Purity)。邪教通過向成員施加符合純潔理想的壓力,創造了「我們與他們」的心態。這會產生罪惡感和羞恥感,使成員更順從和依賴團體的救贖。
"Sacred Science" refers to the group's doctrine being considered the ultimate, unchallengeable truth. Questioning or doubting the doctrine is not tolerated, which suppresses individual thought and reinforces the group's absolute authority.
「神聖科學」(Sacred Science)是指該組織的教義被視為最終且不可挑戰的真理。對教義的質疑或懷疑是不會被容忍的,這會抑制個人的思考並強化該組織的絕對權威。
Lifton discusses "Doctrine Over Person," where personal experiences or feelings that contradict the doctrine are dismissed or reinterpreted. The group's beliefs take precedence over individual realities, eroding personal autonomy.
利夫頓討論了「教義高於個人」(Doctrine Over Person)的概念,即個人經驗或與教義相矛盾的情感會被忽略或重新解釋。該組織的信仰高於個人的現實,侵蝕了個人的自主權。
With the "Cult of Confession," members are encouraged—or coerced—to confess past sins or doubts, often in group settings. This practice creates vulnerability and a loss of personal boundaries, which the cult can exploit.
在「懺悔邪教」(Cult of Confession)中,成員被鼓勵或強迫懺悔過去的罪過或懷疑,通常是在團體設置中。這種做法創造了脆弱性和個人邊界喪失的狀態,邪教可以利用這一點。
"Mystical Manipulation" involves the group convincing members that their ideology is spiritually or supernaturally superior. They may interpret coincidences as divine signs, enhancing the perceived legitimacy of the group's mission.
「神秘操縱」(Mystical Manipulation)涉及該組織說服成員相信他們的思想意識形態在精神上或超自然地優於他人。他們可能解釋巧合為神跡,增強該組織使命的合法性。
Lastly, "Dispensing of Existence" is the idea that those outside the group are unworthy or unenlightened. The cult views itself as the sole possessor of truth, which justifies dismissing or devaluing those who don't conform.
最後,「存在分散」(Dispensing of Existence)的概念是指該組織認為外部世界的人不值得尊敬或未經啟蒙。邪教認為自己擁有唯一真理,這使他們可以忽略或貶低不遵守規則的人。
It's these manipulative practices—controlling environments, restricting language, demanding purity, enforcing unchallengeable doctrines, overriding personal experiences, exploiting confessions, manipulating beliefs, and devaluing outsiders—that define a cult.
這些操縱性的做法 - 控制環境、限制語言、要求純潔、強行推行不可挑戰的教義、蓋過個人經歷、利用坦白、操縱信仰、貶低局外人 - 定義了什麼是邪教。
I think this distinction is an important one, and I hope this thread helps add some clarity to the topic.


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