文章來源: 外帶英文官網

六、 【英文視訊會議】談判與妥協
談判 Negotiating
- I will need to take more time to consider your offer.
我需要花更多時間來考慮你的提案。 - I can accept your terms on these conditions…
在這些情況下,我可以接受你的條件… - I see your point, but I think we are better off by…
妥協 Compromising
- I understand, and I am willing to compromise on these points…
我了解,我願意就這些地方…做出讓步。 - What do you think if we were to do this instead?
如果我們改為這樣做,你怎麼看? - This is what I am willing to offer in order to move this deal forward.
七、 【英文視訊會議】中斷評論或提問
- May I have a word on this topic? 我可以插入這個話題嗎?
- If I may, I think that we should discuss this…
如果可以的話,我認為我們應該討論這個… - Excuse me for interrupting, but could you clarify the marketing plan again?
不好意思打擾一下,但是您能再說明一次這個行銷計畫嗎? - May I add something about last month’s sales report here?
八、 【英文視訊會議】時間管理
參與者管理 Participant Management
- Mike, please be brief with your comments. Mike 請簡短介紹您的意見。
- Let’s get back to the topic of marketing, shall we? 我們回到行銷的議題,好嗎?
- We are not here to discuss marketing today. 今天會議不是要討論行銷。
時間管理 Time Management
- We are running out of time for this meeting.
時間不夠了,我們的會議時間快結束了。 - Well, that is all the time we have for today’s meeting, but let’s discuss that next time. 由於時間的關係,讓我們下次再討論那個議題。
- I’m afraid we’ve run out of time for today, but our next meeting will be Monday morning. 可惜今天時間不夠,不過我們的下一次會議是星期一上午。
九、 【英文視訊會議】總結要點與追蹤事項
總結 Summarizing
- Before we go, let me summarize what we have decided on.
在會議結束前,讓我總結一今日的決議事項。 - To sum up the meeting, we’ve discussed points A, B, and C.
總結今天會議,我們討論了A、B和C。 - Shall I review today’s important points?
分配任務 Action Items
- We should really prepare these numbers for our meeting next week.
我們真的應該為下週的會議準備好這些數字。 - Let’s focus our attention on completing these changes in the marketing plan by Friday afternoon.
讓我們集中精力在周五下午前完成行銷計畫中的調整。 - Mike, would you mind taking care of the report by Thursday?
Mike你介意在星期四前處理這份報告嗎? - I look forward to your report at our meeting next week, Mike.
十、 【英文視訊會議】結束通話
- It's time to wrap up. 該結束會議了
- It looks like we've run out of time, so I guess we'll finish here.
看來我們已經沒時間了,所以我想我們就結束會議吧。 - Call leader: I believe this concludes our call. Thank you, everyone, for joining us.
主席:今天的視訊會議到這邊結束,謝謝各位的參與。 - Anybody got anything else that they desperately want to raise before we wrap up? 在我們總結之前,還有其他人迫切想要提議的事項嗎?
- If there are no further comments, we'll wrap up this meeting.
如果沒有其它意見,我們就結束會議吧。 - If no one has anything else to add, then I think we'll wrap this up.
如果沒有人要補充的,那麼我想我們就結束會議吧。 - Let's bring this to a close for today. 今天就到這邊吧。
- Right, I think that's probably about it. 好了,我想就大概是這些吧。
- Thank you for setting up this call. Discussing [marketing issue] was very helpful.
感謝今天安排這場會議,今天討論的[行銷主題]非常有幫助。 - I look forward to being in touch on this topic again soon.
我期待很快再次跟各位討論這項議題。 - The meeting is finished. We'll meet again next Wednesday.
會議結束,下週三我們再開會 - Bye, everyone. 再見,各位。
- Again, I want to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to be here today. 再次感謝各位百忙之中撥冗參與今天的會議。

最後,祝福各位都能圓滿主持國際會議,並達成有成效的會議,老闆不僅會讚賞你主持會議的能力,而且與會者也會感到很高興。你最擔心什麼樣的會議? 你最近會議中有遇到那些問題? 你想知道更多有關會議的英文? 歡迎留言告訴我😊
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