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Orli 谷語語
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Orli 谷語語
「如果誰能讓她笑,我就給她10塊。」”If anyone can make her laugh, I will give him ten bucks.”

多年前,國一的班上,坐在我前面的是一個開朗活潑的女生,常給話不多的我帶來許多樂趣。有次班上生物小考,我考了50幾分,我盯著考卷,難過得落淚,她試著安慰我,但是我的眼淚還是一直掉;這時,班上一些男生也圍了過來,她對他們說:「如果誰能讓她笑,我就給他10塊。」有個男生便開始唱一些搞怪的歌、順便做鬼臉,頓時我覺得他很可愛,就笑了出來,也暫時拋開了分數的事。Many years age, when I was in 7th grade, a girl sitting in front of me was outgoing, bringing me a lot of fun. Once I screwed up on a biology quiz. I was so sad that my eyes were filled with tears. She tried to give me comfort but in vain. At the moment, some boys came to us. To those boys, she said, ”If anyone can make her laugh, I will give him ten bucks.” Then, a boy started to sing funny songs and make a face. And he succeeded! 

多年後,和她已經沒聯絡,卻還是會想起她。10塊錢不多,溫暖卻很多。Time flies and I lost contact with her. But sometimes she would still come to my mind. Although 10 bucks is not much, it could buy a lot of warmth. 

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