Development Grant Application from the LikeCoin community
1. Project Title
One Like Shop
2. Category
Application and marketing promotion
3. Name of Applicant
So Yeung
4. Contact Info
- GitHub : yyleehk
- Matters username(@artlikers)
- LikeCoin wallet / Liker ID : artlikers
5. Applicant Introduction
Code repository include:
Team members include: yyleehk, zhifeiyu and yeungso.
Our core team members consists of both technical and marketing background, we have experience in coding mobile applications, using RESTful API in the mobile applications to allow flexible integration with any other back-end applications.
Project accomoplished include:
Web-base monitoring dashboard for mobile/PC displaying customer service agents availability and customer queuing status;
Web-based Customer service Agent desktop application
Video / voice based end-to-end customer service desk
Promotion of online support system for C2C applications
Block-chain game for art product auction
Our team may not be extremely strong in technical side, but in the project a well blending of technical and marketing expertise shall be beneficial to promoting more users/presenters in live shows to use like coin as an option to other video streaming platforms.
6. Project Introduction
Concept(s) & Rationale(s)
The project is both a technical and promotion task to promote usage of Like coin:
Currently entertainers/presenters of live video streaming shows are controlled by the video platform with high demand of commission fee, control on what the presenters content shall be. Our project allows live presenters be more independent, and have more options of getting rewarded for their creation and content; The One Like shop also have shops that are actually commodity in real life, e.g. coffee, food, we are lining up multiple vendors for such activity, and thus encourage the wide spread usage of like coin in normal life, content writers who has gained like coin can use them for consumption of real-life goods and services.
With the use of like coin, live streaming entertainers will also help to promote like coin as they shall be actively encourage like coin so that their benefit or income from the audiences can also be increased.
For people who has certain quantity of like coin in their activities of content creation in Matters, or other youtube/blog channel, the like coins on hand can only trade to fiat money in order to use it. The like coin community shall be a more idealistic model which the like coin owners and community shall be using like coin as currency , this can guide their thought into a way that try not to measure any goods/services in terms of fiat money, but like is the new price list.
With the project, at one side encourage more audience using like coin, also let live stream entertainers be independent of platform control.
- Deliverable(s)
- Promotions include live stream entertainers encouraging the use of like coin;
- Promotions for live stream entertainers mention and encourage the use of our live streaming HTML web;
- New audience and like coin users will be given a small amount of like coin for the purpose of rewarding entertainers;
- Mobile HTML5 code that integrates video streaming live show and Like coin tips to live stream presenters;
- Promotion will be given to offline vendors who provide products/service using like coin;
Contents including video and reports for the promotion program and the application;
7. Work Plan
Schedule: Operation or Development Roadmap
Please break up your (development) works into a clear set of milestones. This section needs to be rather detailed (will vary on the project, but aim for at least 250 words for this section).
- Proof of concept and prototyping to application: a draft of application that shows to our intended video streaming KOL, refine the function and usage flow;
- Promotion content in various areas, helping the live stream KOL to provide basic training to new like coin users;
- development of application, deliverable shall be the trial version of the application then hosted in web application server
- Promotion and training to offline vendors in the using of like coin for payment;
- Contents and reports of the use of like coin for live entertainment;
- Contents and reports for offline vendor payment;
Promotion of streaming application: an application is launched to allow use For each milestone, please describe: The outcomes or (software) functionalities that we can expect after the completion of each milestone. This should be detailed enough that it can be used to ensure that the result meets the specification outlined in the deliverables. ```
- Landing, Promotion or Diffusion Plan
- Digital media shall be used for the plan including social media, traditional news articles;
The content that created by live stream KOL shall be an important mean of marketing tools too;
Maintenance and Upgrade Plan (Optional, for "Applications" and "Infrastructures" proposals only)
8. Budget
The grant can be allocated to cover:
(1) Personnel expenses: Application development: 100K; presenters/actors: 100K
(2) Operation & maintenance expenses: Hosting services, paperwork, testing, vendor support, KOL support: 200K
(3) Promotion expenses: Social media: 150K; rewards to new users: 50K
You are strongly encouraged to break down the amounts of funding required by the shcedule or milestones listed above. Besides, sum up the total requested budget across all items or all milestones, and include that figure here. A clear budget table or chart will be very appreciated.
Tranches of payment
1st tranche: 200K upon the kick off of development
2nd tranche: 200K upon the launch of the trial version of web-based application
3rd tranche: 200K upon 500 users registered our application have their likerid set up.

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