Pactera Edge正在為新專案”JARVIS”徵求會閱讀繁體中文且位在台灣的自由工作者來評斷網站URL的正確度。
· 熟悉繁體中文及台灣的在地用語
· 目前正居住於台灣且已住在台灣至少五年,需評斷的URL會十分在地且與台灣文化相關,因此懂得鄉民用語會非常有幫助!
· 有穩定良好的網路或WiFi連結
· 每週至少能工作20小時,這份工作的性質非常彈性,但我們需要申請者能夠每週至少投入20小時,符合條件者才會被考慮
· 若您對這份專案有長期的興趣,我們也能提供足夠的工作量到今年底,也有可能延長
如果你感興趣的話,詢問,或是在 網站註冊,並到”jobs”找尋”judging/grading”申請Jarvis – URL Grading – Taiwan.
We are currently looking for collaborators for our new project, JARVIS, for which you will grade URL online in Traditional Chinese (Taiwan).
The purpose of this project is the improvement of search engines, so they can offer more accurate results based on what users are looking for and the words they use to find it.
Your job will be to grade how useful and precise users’ queries are and classify the best results according to their accuracy. It’s that simple!
This will be of your interest if:
- You are fluent in Traditional Chinese (Taiwan).
- You are currently based in Taiwan, and you have lived there for at least the last 5 years. The online queries can be very local and related to culture, slang and lingo of the country. Therefore, being familiar with the colloquial is important.
- You have access to a good internet connection.
- You can commit to at least 20 hours a week. The schedule is very flexible, but we ask for a minimum of 20 hours to be considered.
- You are interested in a long-term engagement. We expect this project to last at least until the end of the year, with a very probably extension afterwards.
If you are interested, for more details or sign up at, then go to Jobs > Judging/Grading >apply Jarvis - URL Grading –Taiwan.
Part-time hours: 15 per week
Expected Start Date: 09/06/2021
工作類型: 兼職/打工
薪資: 159.0元至160.0元(每小時)
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