
Chinese and English versions of Matters Clarification Announcement:Beware of fraudulent acts committed by unscrupulous accounts impersonating a former member of the company, Ali.

Matters 官方澄清:有關不肖人士假冒本公司前成員阿里並進行詐騙行為的說明

近日 Matters 收到訊息,指有人假冒本公司前團隊成員阿里,進行線上詐騙,行為包括但不限於:自稱來自 Matters Lab 團隊,藉以獲取對方信任,繼而發出特定連接、專屬代碼,指引對方開啟不知名平台的帳戶;行為亦包括在社交帳戶貼出盜來的會場人物合照,藉以塑造出真實形象,獲取信任。

我們已向前團隊成員阿里查詢,獲得的回覆為:自從他的個人 Telegram 早前被盜後,就陸續出現假冒他本人的帳戶,這些帳戶會代入現實世界的人物設定,主動發起對話,進行詐騙。阿里在第一時間已向 telegram 官方多次回報及檢舉假帳戶,但假帳戶依然猖獗。

有詐騙行為的帳戶包括:Telegram 帳戶名稱 「Ali.ych.eth |Matters Lab」 、 Instagram 帳戶 「0x1.eth」、「AIi 0x1.eth」等,該帳戶可能不斷更換名字,因此若您接到自稱「 Matters Lab 團隊 Ali」的聯繫,還請格外留意。

此聲明特此澄清以上事件,如遇可疑情況,可從官方渠通聯絡 Matters 團隊,或電郵至 hi@matters.town 查詢。


Matters 團隊

Matters Clarification Announcement: Beware of fraudulent acts committed by unscrupulous accounts impersonating a former member of the company, Ali

Recently, we have received information regarding individuals impersonating a former team member of our company, Ali, engaging in fraud and scams. These activities include but are not limited to: claiming affiliation with the Matters Lab team, gaining the trust of the target, and subsequently sending specific links and unique codes to guide the target to open accounts on unfamiliar platforms. The actions also involve posting stolen group photos from events on social accounts to create a false sense of authenticity and gain trust.

We have reached out to our former team member Ali for clarification, and his response is as follows: Ever since his personal Telegram account was hacked and compromised, there have been ongoing instances of impersonation using his identity. These accounts adopt real-world persona settings, initiate conversations proactively, and engage in fraudulent activities. Ali promptly reported and flagged these fake accounts multiple times to Telegram’s official channels, yet the fraudulent accounts persist.

Accounts involved in fraudulent activities include: Telegram account name “Ali.ych.eth | Matters Lab,” Instagram accounts “0x1.eth,” “AIi 0x1.eth,” and others. These accounts may change names frequently, so if you receive communication from someone claiming to be “Matters Lab team Ali,” please exercise extra caution.

This statement is issued to clarify the aforementioned incidents. In case of suspicion, you can reach out to the Matters team through official channels or inquire at hi@matters.town via email.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

The Matters Team

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 授权


Matty@Web3Matters web3 官方帳號 Official account of Web3 matters in Matters For general announcement in Mandarin, go to Matty: @hi176 For general announcement in English: @Matterslab
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