Giloo Fest 2023 : Funding & Bonding!
「國際短片影展」將精選 50 部華語優異雋永的短篇作品,透過多元視角碰觸人心與探研社會議題,向全球社群展現華語世界優質短片與影像藝術的魅力。「眾籌提案大會」則是首創「群眾共決贊助基金(Patron Power Fund)」和「個人贊助基金(My Own Favorites)」兩種機制,旨在開創影片創作集資和跨國聯合製作媒合管道,鼓勵世界各地的創作者夥伴和影迷粉絲深度交流,一步步成為華語短片影像的新力量。我們的願景是透過 Giloo Fest 串聯華語文化圈的創作者,廣邀全球群眾加入贊助計畫,幫助更多導演獲取所需資源,一起探索並催生全新的電影社群生態系。
Giloo Fest 2023:眾籌提案大會 徵件辦法
- 眾籌提案大會分為「紀錄短片」和「劇情短片」兩種類型。
- 每一類型選出 10 部入選專案,共 20 組。
- 入選專案團隊可獲得「眾籌贊助基金」、「社群大獎」、「專家獎」。
1. Giloo首創「眾籌贊助基金」包含:
- 個人贊助基金:與會者針對所親睞之提案直接給予贊助支持。
- 群眾共決贊助基金:所有與會者之部分資金形成基金池,與會者在聆聽所有提案後,共同投票決定名次及基金分配,細節將擇日公布。
2. Giloo Fest 社群大獎兩名:
「群眾共決贊助基金」票數最高者,將獲得 Giloo 額外加碼贊助獎金:
- 劇情短片一名,得獎者可獲得 1 萬美元獎金。
- 紀錄短片一名,得獎者可獲得 1 萬美元獎金。
3. Giloo Fest 專家獎四名:
- 劇情短片兩名,得獎者可獲得 3,000 元美金獎金。
- 紀錄短片兩名,得獎者可獲得 3,000 元美金獎金。
- 製作階段須為企劃中或拍攝中,已放映過之影片不得參賽。
- 報名者不限國籍,唯報名影片之旁白、對白等須以華語為主(華人地區所使用之語言)。
- 報名者須為報名影片之導演或製片,且為該專案之著作財產權人。
- 一人僅限報名一部。(若導演與製片有兩專案(含)以上,僅限擇一報名)
- 導演與製片不得為同一人(導演為聯合製片可)。
- 報名者須年滿 18 歲。
- 完成影片規格:
- 影片長度:40 分鐘以內
- 字幕語言:須中英字幕
- 影片規格:MP4 或 MOV 檔案,規格 FULL HD(1920x1080)或以上
1. 公告即日起至 2023年 3 月 31 日 前台灣時間晚上 23:59 填妥 線上報名表單,逾期不受理報名。
2. 報名時須線上填妥以下報名表及附上應備文件,方視為報名完成:
- 報名人
- 手機
- 專案名稱
- 主題概念(約 200 字)
- 故事大綱(約 200 字)
- 拍攝大綱(約 500 字,包含影片內容說明、場景與事件簡介、被拍攝對象簡介)
- 導演及製片介紹
- 過往影像作品檔案連結(請上傳至 Google Drive 或 百度網盤,務必確認該連結之檔案可供「下載」,不得為線上觀看。檔案僅供評選團隊觀影使用,評選結束即會刪除。)
- 限制 3 個檔案以內
- 過往作品預告片或完整作品
- 補充資料:包含製作進度表、預算表、其他製作團隊介紹、演職人員表、相關調查、新聞資料、被拍攝物件圖片⋯⋯等。請整理為一份 PDF,上傳至雲端並分享連結。(務必確認該連結之檔案可供「下載」,不得為線上觀看。)
- 企劃影片與導演影像作品連結(詳見第 3 點)
- 請點擊報名連結填寫以上資料:
- 報名聯絡人
3. 片花與導演影像作品:
- 3 分鐘以內片花。
- 劇情片若無片花,可自行剪接 3 分鐘以內之導演影像作品精華。
- 將影片上傳至 Google Drive 或 百度網盤 ,並在線上報名表單填妥連結與密碼。(務必確認該連結之影片檔案可供「下載」,不得為線上觀看。)
- 影片檔案須經測試可完整讀取及播放,連結與密碼在入選結果公布前須為有效連結,以免影響評審作業。
- 待本會確認所有報名文件及影片檔案皆完整無誤後,會寄出確認信,方視為完成報名。
- 評審標準:企劃完整度、故事敘事創意、團隊專業能力、華語創作題材多元性、商業潛力。
- 依據前述評選標準,將針對提案申請書及影音資料辦理選出 20 部入選專案,並得視需要請申請人提供相關參考資料。
- 20 部入選提案名單將於 2023 年 4 月底以前公告,並以電子郵件通知入選者,以及公告線上提案日期。(預計 8 月)
- 20 部入選專案之主創團隊將參與「Giloo Fest 眾籌提案大會」採線上提案評選,由社群贊助者與評審團針對企劃提案內容及當日答辯表現進行評選。
- 眾籌提案大會將由兩天 Central Pitch 和五天 Roundtable 線上會議組成。
- 入選者將可獲得個人贊助基金及群眾共決贊助基金,各類型共決投票結果的第一名將額外獲得 Giloo Fest 社群大獎。
- Giloo Fest 專家獎由專家組評選決定。
- 眾籌提案大會結束後,評審團將選出四名得主,劇情短片、紀錄短片各兩名,每名得獎者將獲得 3,000 元美金獎金。
- 劇情短片、紀錄短片僅得擇一報名。
- 報名者須為報名影片之導演或製片,且為該專案之著作財產權人;報名參賽者如與他人共有著作財產權,應經全部著作財產權人同意報名參賽,並應共同遵守本徵件辦法。
- 報名影片不得為廠商委製之商業影片。
- 凡報名者皆視為同意遵守本徵件辦法之所有規定,主辦單位有權取消違章影片參賽資格。
- 個人贊助基金、群眾共決贊助基金、Giloo Fest 社群大獎、國際專家獎金須扣除稅務、金流手續費及相關眾籌服務費。
- 入選者在眾籌提案大會結束後,兩週內須繳交獎金之領取相關文件及資料,以便核發。
- 入選者須於 2024 年 3 月參與成果發表會,在此之前作品不得公開放映,並須於 2024 年 2 月 28 日前完成影片及繳交。
- 入選本次提案活動者須同意以完成作品參加 Giloo 成果發表會 及 Giloo 支持者線上私人放映( patron private screening),觀影者包含:本次活動參與者、世界各地資方與業界貴賓。
- 入選本次提案活動者須提供每一位贊助支持者私人放映權利(非戲院公播、非售票),按照贊助金額提供不同放映數量,並將特定贊助支持者列入片尾感謝名單,細節將於入選說明。
- 入選影片之導演及製作團隊有義務參加提案大會前會、眾籌提案大會、線上影展、映後座談及頒獎典禮等相關活動。
- 本競賽若因天災或疫病等不可抗力之因素以致須調整徵件辦法(包含但不限於徵件時程調整、影展及頒獎典禮辦理形式)或將相關活動延期舉行等,報名者應配合調整影片授權期間或其他指定事項;若有未明之處,依官方網站最新公告訊息為準。
Giloo Fest 2023 : Funding & Bonding!
Giloo Fest, launched by Giloo this year, is a pioneering experiment empowering the film community through technology. This pilot edition includes two major events: the "International Chinese Short Film Festival" and the "Crowdfunding Global Pitch." To attract film enthusiasts from around the world, the event will be held online.
The "International Chinese Short Film Festival" will showcase 50 outstanding Chinese-language short films, exploring storytelling from diverse perspectives and showcasing the charm of high-quality short films and storytelling in the Chinese-speaking world to a global audience.
The "Crowdfunding Global Pitch" introduces two innovative mechanisms - the "Patron Power Fund" and "My Own Favorites" - to create funding and cross-border channels for film funding and community building. This encourages deep exchanges among creators, partners, and film fans from all over the world and aims to become a new force in Chinese-language shorts filmmaking.
At Giloo Fest, our vision is to connect creators in the filmmaking and funding circle, invite people from all over the world to participate in the sponsorship program, and help more directors obtain the necessary resources. Together, we will explore and nurture a brand-new film community ecosystem.
Giloo Fest 2023: Crowdfunding Global Pitch Submission Guidelines
I. Event Structure
- The Crowdfunding Global Pitch includes "Documentary Shorts" and "Narrative Shorts" categories.
- A total of 20 projects will be selected, with 10 projects in each category.
- Selected project teams will be awarded the "Community Fund," "Community Award," and "Expert Award."
II. Funding Methods
1. Giloo's innovative "Community Fund" includes:
- My Own Favorites: Attendees can directly support their favorite proposals.
- Patron Power Fund: Partial funding from all attendees will form a fund pool. After listening to all proposals, attendees will vote together to decide the ranking and fund distribution. Details will be announced at a later date.
2. Giloo Fest Community Award (two awards):
The proposal with the highest number of votes in the "Crowd-determined Sponsorship Fund" will receive additional cash prizes from Giloo.
- One winner of Narrative Shorts will receive a prize of USD 10,000.
- One winner of Documentary Shorts will receive a prize of USD 10,000.
3. Giloo Fest Expert Award (four awards):
Four winners will be selected by the invited Jury Panel:
- Two winners of Narrative Shorts will receive a cash prize of USD 3,000 each.
- Two winners of Documentary Shorts will receive a cash prize of USD 3,000 each.
III. Eligibility
- The film must be in the planning or filming stage, and previously screened films are not eligible.
- There are no nationality restrictions for applicants, but the primary narration and dialogue in the registered film must be in Mandarin or in languages commonly used in Chinese-speaking regions.
- Applicants must be the director or producer of the registered film and the owner of the project's copyright.
- Only one submission per person is allowed.
- The director and producer must be different individuals.
- Applicants must be 18 years old or older.
- Requirements on the final completed film:
- Film length: within 40 minutes
- Subtitle language: Chinese and English subtitles are required.
- Film format: MP4 or MOV file, full HD specification (1920x1080) or higher.
IV. Required Documents
1. The deadline for online registration is March 31, 2023, 23:59 Taiwan time (UTC+8). No applications will be accepted after the deadline.
2. To complete the application process, applicants must fill out the online registration form and provide the required documents, which include:
- Name of the applicant
- Email address
- Phone number
- Project name
- Brief project concept (in 200 words)
- Story synopsis (in 200 words, including video content description)
- Production Summary (in 500 words, including scene and event descriptions and brief introductions of subjects to be filmed)
- Director and producer introductions
- Links to past works (upload to Google Drive or Baidu Cloud, make sure the file can be "downloaded" rather than viewed online. The files are for the judging team only and will be deleted after the judging process is over.)
- Limited to 3 files
- Past work trailers or complete videos
- Supplementary materials: including production schedule, budget, other production team introductions, cast and crew list, related surveys, news materials, photos of objects to be filmed, etc. Please organize them into one PDF, upload them to the cloud, and share the link. (Make sure the link's file can be "downloaded" rather than viewed online.)
- Links to the planning video and director's video work (see point 3 for details)
- Please click the registration link to fill in the above information:
- Contact person for registration:
3. Trailer and director's previous work:
- A trailer under 3 minutes.
- If there is no trailer for a feature film, a highlight reel of the director's video work under 3 minutes can be edited.
- The video should be uploaded to Google Drive or Baidu Cloud, and the link and password must be provided in the online registration form. The video file must be in a downloadable format and fully readable and playable.
- Before the selection results are announced, the registrants must ensure that the link and password are valid to prevent any issues that may affect the judging process.
- Once the association confirms that all the application documents and video files are complete and accurate, a confirmation letter will be sent to the applicant, indicating that the application process is complete.
V. Selection Method
- The evaluation criteria will be based on the quality of the proposal, creativity in storytelling, team's professional capability, and diversity of Chinese shorts stories.
- The selection process will involve the evaluation of proposal applications and audiovisual materials. The selection committee may request additional reference materials from the applicants if needed. Based on the aforementioned selection criteria, 20 projects will be selected.
- The list of 20 selected proposals will be announced before the end of April 2023, and the selected participants will be notified by email. The date for the online proposal is scheduled for August, and details regarding the same will be announced along with the announcement of the selected proposals.
VI. Crowdfunding Proposal Conference Process
- The 20 selected project teams will participate in the "Giloo Fest Crowdfunding Global Pitch" online, where community and judges will evaluate their proposals and performance during the pitch.
- The Pitch will consist of a two-day Central Pitch and five-day Roundtable meetings.
- The selected participants will be eligible for both personal and crowd-governed funds, and the first-place winners in each category of the crowd voting results will receive an additional Giloo Fest Community Award.
- The Giloo Fest Expert Award will be determined by an invited panel of juries.
- Following the conference, the judges will select four winners - two for short narrative films and two for short documentary films - each receiving a prize of USD 3,000.
VII. Registration Notes
- Only one short narrative film or short documentary film may be registered for the competition.
- The registrant must be the director or producer of the registered film and the copyright owner of the project. If the registrant shares the copyright ownership with others, they must obtain the consent of all copyright owners to register for the competition and comply with the rules of this call for entries.
- The registered film cannot be a commercial film commissioned by a company.
- All registrants are required to comply with the regulations of this call for entries. The organizer reserves the right to disqualify any films that violate the rules.
VIII. Attention for the selected participants
- The prize money, including personal sponsorship fund, crowd-sourced sponsorship fund, Giloo Fest community award, and international expert prize money, will be subject to deductions for taxes, payment processing fees, and related crowdfunding service fees.
- The selected participants must provide all necessary documents and information required for receiving the prize money within two weeks after the crowdfunding proposal conference.
- The selected participants must participate in the results presentation meeting in March 2024 and must complete and submit the video before February 28, 2024.
- The selected participants must agree to participate in the Giloo results presentation meeting and the Giloo supporters' online private screening with their completed work. The audience will include the participants of this activity, financiers from all over the world, and industry VIPs.
- The selected participants of this proposal activity must provide each sponsor with the right to a private screening (not a public theater screening or ticket sales) based on the sponsorship amount. Voted supporters will be listed in the credits, and details will be explained upon selection.
- The director and production team of the selected projects should participate in the pre-conference meeting, the pitch, online film festival, post-screening discussion, and award ceremony, among other related activities.
- In the event of forced unforeseeable circumstances, such as natural disasters or pandemics, that require adjustments to the submission method, submission schedule, film festival, award ceremony format, or other related events, the registrants must cooperate with the adjustments to the video authorization period or other designated matters. If there is any ambiguity, the latest announcement on the official website will prevail.
IX. Supplementary Regulations
The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the event and provide explanations in case of any doubts or unresolved matters related to this call for entries.

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