姬佬去留学| Exploring the LGBTQ+Society at British Universities ×UCL

嘉宾 - Yin, 伦敦大学学院(UCL)攻读自然科学的一年级本科生;UCL LGBT+ Network的无浪漫倾向/无性恋代表 (aromantic/asexual rep);尽管生理性别为女性,她对自己的性别认同保持开放态度,也许是女性也许是非二元性别。
“A first-year undergraduate student studying MSci Natural Sciences (Physics + Molecular and Cell Biology). I am the aro/ace rep of the UCL LGBTQ+ network, which means I represent the interests of people on the aromantic spectrum and asexual spectrum on the committee, run the aromantic/asexual spectrum socials, and help the committee with other events or campaigns. My gender identity might be female, agender, or demigirl, but I’m not sure. I was assigned female at birth. I am fine with both she/her and they/them pronouns. I am aromantic and asexual.”
😛Q1: Hello Yin, 首先想问你的是当初为么想加入学校的LGBTQ+组织呢?
When did you join in the LGBTQ+ network and why you want to be part of it?
✨Yin:在新生周的时候我第一参加LGBTQ+ network的活动,因为我想见到其他性小众群体并且和他们交谈。我大概在2019年11月加入的。UCL LGBT+ Network的委员会当时正在为新一届委员会成员寻找合适的人选,但没人提名自己担任无浪漫倾向/无性恋代表这一职位。原本我没打算报名,因为我觉得自己没有准备好,但如果我也不报名的话,便没有人代表无浪漫倾向/无性恋群体。
I went to a UCL LGBTQ+ Network event for the first time during Freshers’ Week because I wanted to meet other LGBTQ+ people and talk about LGBTQ+ stuff in person. I joined the UCL LGBTQ+ network committee as the aro/ace rep around November 2019. The committee was looking for people to fill in various committee positions at the time, but no one nominated themselves for the aro/ace rep position. I originally didn’t intend to nominate myself because I didn’t feel like I was ready for the responsibility, but I felt that having someone to represent people on the aromantic spectrum or asexual spectrum, and just having one extra person helping the committee out was better than having no one in that position.

😛Q2: UCL LGBT+ Network的组织架构是怎样的?你们平时都会办什么活动?
Please introduce the UCL LGBTQ+ network, for example, the mission, organizational structure and the usual events.
✨Yin: 我们主要是委员会在管理,委员会里设置了这些职位:LGBQ+官员,跨性别官员,社交秘书,活动主管,媒体运营主管,残障代表,BME(黑人和少数族裔)代表,妇女代表,双/泛性恋代表,无浪漫倾向/无性恋代表和RUMS(医学院)代表。
UCL LGBT+ Students’ Network存在的目的在于:
1.挑战和改变我们作为UCL LGBTQ +学生面临的歧视,压迫和不平等;
The network currently has the following positions in the committee: LGBQ+ officer, trans officer, social secretary, campaigns officer, media officer, disabled rep, BME (Black or Minority Ethnic) rep, women’s rep, bi/pan rep, aro/ace rep, and RUMS (medical school) rep.
The UCL LGBT+ Students’ Network exists to lead efforts to:
1.challenge and change discrimination, oppression and inequality that we as LGBTQ+ students at UCL face;
2.defend and extend our rights;
3.represent and further our particular concerns, needs and interests within the Students’ Union, UCL and beyond
4.ensure that the Students’ Union’s actions do not unfairly exclude, neglect or discriminate against us
5.promote and facilitate social interaction and cooperation amongst ourselves.
Every month, we have a clubbing event at one of the Students’ Union bars, a general LGBTQ+ social, and socials for more specific groups such as trans socials, bi/pan socials, aro/ace spectrum socials, women/non-binary/femme socials and BME socials.
If you want to stay up-to-date with the network’s events, you can follow our Facebook page or Instagram account. We also have Facebook groups and group chats for LGBTQ+ UCL students in general and more specific groups such as BME LGBTQ+, bi/pan/poly, trans, and aro/ace spectrum students.

😛Q3:那同学们要怎么才能加入UCL LGBT+ Network呢?
How can I join in the network?
✨Yin: 任何自我认同为女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋,跨性别或任何其他性别/浪漫爱/性小众群体(比如无性恋,双性人)的UCL学生都将自动被视为UCL LGBT+ Network的成员。
Any UCL student who self-defines as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* and/or any other gender/romantic/sexual minority including but not limited to asexual spectrum, queer and intersex is automatically considered a member of the UCL LGBT+ Students’ Network.
If you want to join in events, all students are allowed to go to the network’s events, though there may be some requirements depending on the event. For example, only those who identify as bi/pan or are questioning should be going to the bi/pan socials.
But if you want to be on the committee, at first, all committee positions require you to at least self-define as LGBTQ+ (instead of just an ally), and some committee positions such as aro/ace rep, bi/pan rep, disabled rep, and trans officer require that you self-define as the identity you represent. And then you will need to nominate yourself in the Students’ Union’s elections for the role you want through the UCL Students’ Union’s website. You will need to write a manifesto to convince other LGBTQ+ students to vote for you.

😛Q4: 一般而言,网络的主要成员有多少人?他们都主要来自欧洲国家吗?亚洲人多不多?
Usually, how many people are there in the network and are the members mainly from European countries?
✨Yin: 实际上,我们没有去定义哪些是正式成员哪些是非正式成员,所以我们很难估计总共有多少成员。但在平时举办的活动中,每次的参与者大约有30人。但我们群聊和线下活动的活跃成员肯定远远多于30人。
Technically, there are no people who are “officially in the network”, so we don’t have a count for the number of people who are considered members of the network, but I usually see maybe around 30 people at the general LGBTQ+ socials. There are definitely a lot more than 30 LGBTQ+ people who interact with each other through the network’s events and group chats.
Many of the people you see in the network’s group chats and events are from European countries, but many of them are also from outside of Europe. You can usually find at least one non-European person at every event, especially since around half of UCL’s students are international students. At the general LGBTQ+ socials, you can sometimes find a few Chinese students (if you exclude me and the previous LGBT+ officer since we go to almost all of the general LGBTQ+ socials, haha). We also have BME (Black or Minority Ethnic) socials, where you would many non-European students, including some Chinese students.
Not having good English can make communication with other students a bit difficult, but everyone is usually very understanding and patient. English is not a first language for a lot of them either.

Many thanks for Yin and UCL LGBT+ Network ‘s support!