
Same determination, what's your current work schedule look like today?
It's uh. It's different because I personally am not writing every word of the novels.
I am not animating the films. What I have to do now is make sure that the people
that we bring in these obsessives that we bring in are challenging themselves to do the best job that they think they can do.
That's what I'm there for.
Is for them to constantly look in the mirror and self assess and challenge themselves. If we have a project and you're saying okay I can do that. That's not the project we want. The project that say I don't know if I can animate that, I don't know how to write that story.
I don't know how to do that. Those are things we want because through that curiosity you'll reach a level that you didn't think was possible.
And so running the studio.
That's what I'm doing.