Steem: Find RC Percentage in Javascript | RC小于50%就不跟随点赞了~
I need have a trail for both voting and downvoting. These are controlled by myself - i.e. a NodeJs application managed by PM2.
For Javascript, there is only 1 library which is the steem-js. The latest version is 0.7.7:
And, there is no easy way to get the RC by using the library. Luckily I found @anyx who provides a few RESTFUL APIs on his full Node.

// to see the ping time for other nodes, please visit
And the API is: (replace the ID)
JSON response, nice.
{ "rc_accounts": [ { "account": "justyy", "max_rc": "166759220940074", "max_rc_creation_adjustment": { "amount": "2020748973", "nai": "@@000000037", "precision": 6 }, "rc_manabar": { "current_mana": "166759220940074", "last_update_time": 1584150960 } } ] }
Then, we can easily compute the percentage by using the current_mana/max_rc. To wrap this up in a function:
function getPercentageRC(id) { const url = "" + id; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch(url).then(data => { data.json().then(json => { const max_rc = json.rc_accounts[0].max_rc; const cur_rc = json.rc_accounts[0].rc_manabar.current_mana; resolve(cur_rc / max_rc); }); }); }); }
Then you can use this like this:
async function test() { const PerRC = await getPercentageRC('justyy'); //.. do something with PerRC }
Or like this:
getPercentageRC('justyy').then(rc => { // do something with rc. });
--------------- 以下是中文------------------------------
很久很久之前忽悠了些亲朋好友加入了“足球队”,也就是把 posting_key 放心交给行长,好处是:行长帮你收取收益 (claim rewards), 然后还有就是加入行长的点赞团队。
鱼老板的几个号玩游戏玩到 没有RC了,于是需要判断RC,如果低于50%就不参于点赞了。
其它库比如 beem, dsteem 都有相应的获得 RC 的方法,而 steem-js 却没有相应的API,找了一下,发现 anyx 有提供一个 restful api.

如果你有些小号,不发贴,不想管理 可以把 post key 发给我哈(微信)
Steem On!~
@justyy is the author of and he supports and promotes the CN community.
Vote for My Witness 支持行长当STEEM的见证人,每人可以投30票。 type in justyy and click VOTE


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