Around Kremenchuk reservoir. Third day. Svitlovodsk.
Third day.
In the morning, we were woken up by a flock of starlings, which were incredibly numerous here. We had breakfast and began to pack up the camp bit by bit. We would rather not leave this incredible place, so it was as if we were stretching everything to stay longer in this place. A plan was already forming in my head, how it would be better to come to this place again. Therefore, I hope that next year we will organize an event and visit these picturesque hills of the Kremenchuk Reservoir again.

The things are already collected, I take a few more photos, and we leave for Svitlovodsk. First we need to get back to the track and replenish our water supply.

We quickly reach the city. I can't say anything special about him, because I didn't have time to look around. Because of the bad roads, you had to constantly look at the road to avoid hitting a pothole. We take a short break on the embankment, and then head to the Kremenchuk HPP. Through it, we pass to the left bank of the Dnipro River, then we go along the long embankment. On the dam itself, we meet runners who take part in the marathon and run from the city of Dnipro to the city of Kyiv (500 km). In the distance, you can already see Mount Pyvykha, towards which we are heading.

Pyvykha Mount.
At the end of the embankment, we turn left and find ourselves in the Poltava region. We ride along the road, but soon we come to a dead end. On the left side there are thickets, and on the right—a garden surrounded by barbed wire. It was not clear where to go next, and there was no desire to return to the highway, and also to make a big loop. Then, out of the blue, a man came out of the bushes, who greeted himself and called himself Serhii. He immediately guessed that we were going to the mountain.

Therefore, he dared to show us the way. Immediately led to the place where there was no barbed wire in the fence on one of the sections. The garden, as it turned out, was neglected. Serhii led us through the thickets and led us out onto the road, immediately warning us that we should be careful further, because the road fell into the river in some places, and such places should be bypassed by paths. We thanked him, because indeed we hardly found the way further. And strange Serhiy asked for money for a "cup of coffee" for his services.

Soon we leave the normal road and head to Maksimivka village. There we make a small stop near the store, and then continue our way to the mountain. Soon we reach it, which is indicated by the sign, which informs that Mount Pyvykha is a geological and historical protection area. After driving a bit up the mountain, we find a camp table where we stop for lunch.
Having refreshed and rested, the day was hot, we drive further and get to the observation deck, from here you can clearly see the Dnipro River, and even the pipe near Orbita. I liked this place, but it also takes time, so I'm saving this place for future visits.

From Mount Pyvykha, we get to the city of Hradizk, but not through it, but if possible through its surroundings. And already outside the city we got lost. As always, there is a road on the map, but in reality it is simply not there. Therefore, we lose a lot of time and energy here in search of a way out.

Then we drive along the highway for a long time and after a while we turn back near the village of Bugaivka, where we buy groceries and head to find a place to stay. We wanted to find a place near the Dnipro River to swim. That river was all green from the bloom of algae. So we drive along the embankment to the place where we notice local residents swimming. The water here is clean, and we ask them if we will not disturb them. It was almost dark, they packed up and went home, and we started setting up camp.

We went to bed late and it was probably the worst night of the trip. There were many mosquitoes here, which almost ate us. A raccoon-like dog was running near us, which also tried to climb into my tent at night, must have smelled the food and tried to get to it. In the morning I was woken again by a huge flock of starlings. But the worst thing is that it turned out that the poachers liked this place and they rode their motorbikes right next to us all night. That's why in the morning they were tired, somehow had breakfast and got together, set off on the road.
My video about this story.
The next part of the story will be the last.
→ View the previous day of travel.
All photos were taken by my fellow traveler @rzity.nomad

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