
"There is a form of self-reflective critical thinking contained within these ideas, since in order to see the world as it is, we must stand on the sidelines, find perspective, and a place of solitude for thinking. In other words, there has to be a turning in before we can turn out. Loving the world requires reckoning with the world, which means we must find some critical distance from what is happening around us. When we witness injustices, sometimes these is an impulse to act, but Arendt cautions us to slow down and think what we are doing — to be thinkers not just joiners.
In earlier letters to Jaspers, Arendt talks about the joy she finds in the American people — a young fishmonger who has read all of Jaspers' work, a young girl from a poor family whose living room is filled with books of Plato, Hegel, and Kant. Loving the world involves reconciling ourselves with the events of the past so that we can move about the everydayness of life to go on living, to create, to find joy, to find perspective, to build new friendships, and to remind ourselves of where the possible remains — in language, in poems, in the young fishmonger who has a fondness for philosophy. It is a promise of continued existence, a way of not resigning from the world when the world seems too unbearable to live in."
Samantha Rose Hill 寫 Hannah Arendt.
我們關心政治,在意政治,期盼一種符合公義的生活,究其根底,也是源於愛人。因爲愛人,愛自己的摯友,伴侶和孩子,我們遂追求公共生活中的民主,探求一種制度——一種不會扭曲人意志,壓迫人心靈的良善的制度。這種制度能夠讓信任生長,讓人自由呼吸,在個人生活的起伏中體驗,亦有力氣保持善意的底色,能夠讓不同的個體繼續不同,又能在公共生活中把“他者”(the others) 當作和自己一樣的人,容忍和理解“他們”自洽合理的生存需求...... 而恰恰因爲這種期盼的來源是源於對具象的“人”的關切,人與政治之間才需要格外保持一種“觀照的距離”(a critical distance)。