🥣冬夜一碗 紅豆湯 A bowl of hot sweet red beans soup in Winter

熱紅豆湯不是女生獨享的冬日甜品,跟夏天的紅豆冰一樣老少咸宜。Hot sweet red beans soup isn’t the food for women only. It’s for everyone in Winter as. the sweet red beans Popsicle for everyone in Summer.
熱紅豆湯好喝不容易:紅豆用料不能差、煮七分爛不能太爛、紅豆佔湯比例要平衡。It’s not easy to cook a perfect Hot sweet red beans soup which needs best beans,not over cooked & balanced with water.

大阪法善寺橫丁名店「夫婦善哉」裡,紅豆湯被賦予「百年好合」意義,在冬夜,暖暖一碗,療癒人心。The sweet red beans soup is sold in a famous store in Osaka as a lucky food for love. And it always warms your hearts in cold nights.