取材於原子習慣的作者James Clear,有興趣可以訂閱他的電子報
3-2-1: How to divide your to-do list, and the universal nature of writing
3 Ideas From Me
I. A simple reminder from Atomic Habits: "Walk slowly, but never backward." 慢慢地走,但永遠不要倒退
II. "Look around your environment. Rather than seeing items as objects, see them as magnets for your attention. Each object gently pulls a certain amount of your attention toward it. Whenever you discard something, the tug of that object is released. You get some attention back." 環顧四周。與其將物品視為對象,不如將它們視為吸引您注意力的磁鐵。每個物體都會輕輕地將你的一定程度的注意力拉向它。 每當您丟棄某物時,該對象的拉力就會釋放,就可以拿回一些注意力。
再更深一層的想,有沒有可能我雖然覺得沒被吸引到注意力,但我實際也分散了我的注意力呢😮 這是有可能的!! 畢竟很多研究顯示,注意力就像體力一樣,他是會耗盡的。
再反過來再想,注意力也是可以像體力一樣訓練的,包含注意甚麼,以及注意力的持久性。 一旦知道這點,就可以透過訓練,增長注意力集中的時間,也可以更早感知注意力流向,及早收回。
講了那麼多~~~ 我可能只是為了不想整理桌面而找藉口 😵😵😵😵😵
III. "Powerful combination = Hate being bad at stuff + Willing to look like a beginner. People who hate being bad at stuff are driven to improve. However, if they are unwilling to look like a beginner from time to time, they will avoid new challenges and struggle to reinvent themselves. Meanwhile, people who are willing to try new things, but lack a thirst to improve will settle for mediocre results. It's the willingness to look foolish for a short time—but not for a long time—that leads to jumps in performance." 強大的組合=討厭不擅長的東西+願意看起來像個初學者。 討厭不擅長的東西的人會被驅使改進。 但是,如果他們不願意時不時看起來像個初學者,他們就會避免新的挑戰並努力重塑自己。 同時,願意嘗試新事物但缺乏驅動力的人會滿足於平庸的結果。 願意在短時間內(但不會長時間)看起來很愚蠢,將導致績效的飛躍。
很多人,也包含我自己,常會覺得為某些問題好像很蠢。 但你可以觀察到,有些很厲害的人,確實不怕被別人認為問了蠢問題,而當你覺得他怎麼問這樣的問題時,其實他就是把不懂的地方給搞懂,換句話說,當你以為他很蠢,其實他是在不斷成長,而且完全不受你的眼光與笑話所限制。

2 Quotes From Others
I. Writer Jenée Desmond-Harris on how to divide your to-do list: "I started dividing my to-do list into 1) things I have to do, 2) things I want to do, and 3) things other people want me to do. Life changing! I often don’t get to #3 and I finally realized... this is what it means to have boundaries." 作家 Jenée Desmond-Harris 關於如何劃分待辦事項列表: “我開始將我的待辦事項清單分為 1) 我必須做的事情, 2) 我想做的事情,以及 3) 其他人想讓我做的事情。 真讓我吃驚,我經做達不到 #3 ,然後我終於意識到……這就是有界限的意思。
Source: Twitter
這是我從這周3-2-1裡學到最有價值的事,剛好與Rob Dial的podcast Wake Up! You Have Been Lied To 這集呼應。
要做的事情(TODO),只有你必須作以及你想做。別人想讓你做的事,除非剛好是你必須做或者是想做,否則,不用理會😏 別活在別人的期望中。
II. Poet and novelist Margaret Atwood on the universal nature of writing: "Everyone writes in a way; that is, each person has a "story," a personal narrative which is constantly being replayed, revised, taken apart, and put together again. The significant points in this narrative change as a person ages—what may have been tragedy at twenty is seen as comedy or nostalgia at forty. All children write. (And paint, and sing.) I suppose the real question is why do so many people give it up?" 詩人和小說家瑪格麗特·阿特伍德談寫作的普遍性: “每個人都以某種方式寫作;也就是說,每個人都有一個‘故事’,一個不斷被重放、修改、拆解和重新組合的個人敘事。這個敘事中的重要點會隨著一個人的年齡而改變—— 20 歲的悲劇經歷,可能會被40歲你的視為喜劇片或是懷舊片。所有的孩子都會寫作(畫畫和唱歌)我想真正的問題是,為什麼這麼多人放棄它?
Source: Women at Work: Interviews from the Paris Review
1 Question For You
What is a small, but courageous choice you can make today? 你今天可以做出什麼小而勇敢的選擇?
小而勇敢的選擇? Well,儘管BTC與ETH漲上來了,我今天仍然連續第四周定投50U ETH + 50U BTC,這個算嗎? 🤔